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How to Stop Gas Pains

Discussion in 'Gastroenterology' started by Dr.Night, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Dr.Night

    Dr.Night Famous Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Having trapped wind is something that's unpleasant for everyone. For everyone in the room it means an unpleasant and pungent smell, but for the person who is experiencing it, it can often also be very uncomfortable and unsettling.

    There are many causes for gas pains. They can come from skipped meals, from eating old or stale vegetables which release methane, from illnesses, from trapped air and more. However fortunately there are several ways that you can ease the discomfort that comes from trapped gas and avoid it from building up again.


    Eating ginger is one popular home remedy for gas pains and is effective when had in ginger tea. Place tea bags in a cup of boiling water and cover this for around five minutes, or use natural ginger by peeling around three inches of boiling water for the same amount of time until the water turns yellow. Add sugar to taste.


    Mint is also very good for getting rid of gas pains. When you have serious gas pains try using a mint tea bag or again create your own by making your own blend of mint tea.


    Camomile tea can also help and is very effective for all kinds of unsettled stomach.


    A favourite option of this writer – mix a spoonful of brandy with half a cup of boiling water and a spoon of sugar and mix.


    Stretching correctly can help to release trapped air and expel it that way. Try lying flat on your back and bringing your knees up to your chest and hugging them. This can sometimes be enough to flex and squeeze out trapped gas.

    Likewise exercise can flex and remove trapped wind in the intestines.

    Sometimes trapped wind can be a symptom of indigestion. To help counteract this take indigestion medicine such as Gaviscon.

    Going to the Toilet
    Sitting on the toilet can cause our bowels and intestines to relax and this can expel trapped air – this is why we often release wind when we sit on the toilet. At the same time if you use the toilet it may be that you had mistaken the need to go for wind, or that the movement helps to release it.


    Source : How to Stop Gas Pains


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