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Urethral Catheterisation (Male)

Discussion in 'Emergency Medicine' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    1- A chaperone is required for this procedure.

    Begin by introducing yourself to the patient and clarify his identity. Explaining what you are going to do and obtain his consent.

    2- Prepare your equipment for this procedure. This is:
    a catheterisation pack
    a 12 – 14 Fr male Foley catheter
    a catheter bag
    antiseptic solution
    sterile gloves
    lignocaine gel
    a 10ml saline-filled syringe


    3- Position the patient on his back with legs slightly apart, and lying as flat as possible.

    4- Using an aseptic technique open the catheter pack and pour antiseptic solution into the receiver. Open the rest of your equipment onto the sterile field.


    5- Wash and dry your hands, then put on the sterile gloves.


    6- Drape the patient and place a collecting vessel between the patients legs.


    7- Hold the penis with a sterile swab and clean the penis thoroughly. Remember to retract the foreskin and clean around the urethral meatus.


    8- Insert the lignocaine gel and hold the meatus closed with pressure from the swab. Indicate that the anaesthetic needs 5 minutes to work.


    9- Hold the penis vertically with one hand and with the other hold the catheter by its sleeve. Advance the catheter tip from its sleeve and insert into the urethra.


    10- Progressively insert the catheter, ensuring that neither your hand nor the sleeve touch the penis until the end arm reaches the meatus. At this point urine should start to flow into the collecting vessel.


    11- Inflate the balloon using 10ml of saline, ensuring that it does not cause any pain. NB the volume used to fill the balloon may vary depending upon the size of the catheter used, check the packaging for the exact volume to use.


    12- Attach the catheter bag.

    13- Gently pull on the catheter until resistance is felt. This is when the balloon will be resting on the urethral opening of the bladder. Then reposition the foreskin.


    14- Dispose of your gloves and equipment in the clinical waste bin. Wash your hands.

    15- Record the volume of urine collected in the catheter bag and ensure that the patient is comfortable and covered.


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