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Warning: If You're Not Disabled, Don't Park In A Handicapped Spot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Let’s get this straight, people: Handicapped parking spots are for the handicapped. They are not for people who are short on time and need a closer parking spot, or for someone who cannot find parking anywhere else. Even though everyone knows this, and most have the decency to park elsewhere, there will always be the one guy who takes up the spot anyway, potentially stealing it from someone who actually needs it. Yes, you may get away with it the first few times, but a word of advice to you:

    Don’t ever park in a handicapped spot in Brazil.

    In a recently trending video from Maringa, Southern Brazil, one man thought he was getting off easy by setting his car in a handicapped spot to go into a shop. Little did he know, a team of pranksters who take their designated handicapped parking very seriously constructed an elaborate mosaic of post-it notes on the man’s car in the shape of a handicapped badge.

    The small papers, both blue and white, covered every inch of the car, from the side mirrors down to the wheels. The man, who came back to his car, was not only greeted with the sight of an elaborate prank, but was met with an entire crowd of people cheering and jeering at him as he angrily tried to remove as many of the papers as he could. It takes nearly three tries for the guy to be able to drive away, and even then, as he speeds off in frustration, he almost gets into an accident.

    Not to mention, in between all of those papers was also a ticket.

    Watch the video below to see the entire event.



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