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when drinking water become dangerous?

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by waleed, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. waleed

    waleed Moderator

    Aug 12, 2011
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    A lot of people to decrease excessive eating, drink water before getting their meals.Should get rid of the habit, if you want a drink before dinner do one hour before meals.

    Consuming too much water just before eating it makes you lose your appetite because the stomach becomes full. But drinking water just before eating will make the process of absorption of food by the enzyme becomes more difficult.

    Because the water you drink took 30 minutes to flow from the stomach into the intestine. So if you drink just before eating, have not had water to the intestine has been coupled with the food that makes enzymes work harder.

    The ideal way to meet the water needs for the body are:
    1-3 glasses when I wake up in the morning
    2-3 cups, 1 hour before lunch
    2-3 cups, 1 hour before dinner.
    Drinking water just before bed can prevent backflow. Although only the water, when mixed with stomach acid into the throat and can be inhaled into the lungs which feared the risk of suffering from pneumonia.
    Get used to sleep with empty stomachs because the throat was designed so that no one goes into it except air. If still no food or drinks, the stomach contents will spill up into the esophagus when you lay down. When that happens, the body will constrict the windpipe and stop your breathing to prevent the stomach contents into the throat.

    Many incidents of people dying from heart attack at dawn. The reason is because the acid that flows back as a result of eating or drinking late at night, and ends at the closing of the respiratory tract, then so irregular breathing, oxygen levels in the blood is reduced and ultimately less supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

    Drinking too much water can be dangerous and has proven fatal. This may come as a surprise to dieters or to athletes who are told to be certain to get adequate fluids. The condition caused by drinking too much water is called water intoxication. It can have several possible effects, which can quickly cause an emergency medical situation.

    While most people are safe drinking six to eight glasses of water a day, dieters or athletes may try to get an extra edge by drinking more. Especially high performance athletes like marathon runners may over-drink. This can result in an imbalance of the body’s electrolytes. Too much water can quickly deplete electrolytes like sodium compounds.

    Rapid intake of too much water floods the inside of cells when sodium is depleted. This sodium depletion, called hyponatremia, can rupture the cells, either from extra pressure on the cells from without, or from pressure within flooded cells. As cells rupture in various parts of the body, certain symptoms emerge with rapidity. Severe vomiting and nausea are common. Headache may occur as the brain swells. A person may be confused or disoriented.

    Symptoms progress and may include seizures, and coma. Untreated cases can and have resulted in death.

    N.B Drinking water must be in 3 seperate breaths.This method of drinking is very beneficial for quenching the thirst. this method will change the temperature of the stomach Gradually. N.B>Sudden change of temperature inside the stomach is not desirable. When water is drunk in one sip, the gases in the stomach will ascend causing flatulence and stomachache.Drinking of water in three sips is doubly beneficial for those who live in hot regions; the method will help cool their internal system..

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    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011

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