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10 Daily Activities Your Family Can Do To Thank Coronavirus Helpers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

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    There are a lot of people putting themselves directly in the line of fire with coronavirus, and it's important that we ensure their sacrifices are not for nothing. Here are ways your family can show thanks to these coronavirus helpers.


    Even doing the smallest daily tasks is a simple way for your family to show thanks to coronavirus helpers. By doing these smalls tasks and staying healthy, or by doing something bigger like donating, you and your family can show that their sacrifices are not for nothing. So here are 10 ways in which you can show your thanks.

    Wash Your Hands Or Sanitize Them Frequently


    Stay healthy and reduce the number of patients health care providers have to see on a daily basis by washing your hands often. If you touch a door handle while heading into a store, sanitize your hands before proceeding to touch anything else. Avoiding high-touch surfaces like door handles or sanitizing immediately after touching these will reduce the spread of disease.

    Follow Social Distancing Guidelines


    The best way to show thanks is to ensure that you remain healthy by following health care guidelines. Remain at least 6 feet apart from anyone outside of your immediate family. Look for the stickers on the floor at grocery stores or out in public.

    Avoid Social Gatherings


    It's hard avoiding friends and family. Sometimes after a hard week at work, you just want to get together with your friends at the bar for a drink or attend a Halloween party that only comes once a year. But this is the time to make sacrifices so that the sacrifices coronavirus helpers are making are not for nothing.

    Wear Masks, Even Around Friends


    If you do see your friends, plan for an outdoor hangout if possible. Take your family's safety even more seriously and wear a mask while around your friends. Wearing a mask is certainly not enjoyable, but it could reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 or any other illnesses.

    This reduces the number of doctor or hospital visits, and this level of safety precautions shows your gratitude towards the coronavirus workers because you are helping to keep them safe and avoid being overworked.

    Stay At Home


    Stay at home as much as possible. Try to run errands all on one day, and limit the number of stores you go to. The less people you are around, the lower the chances of spreading the disease. It helps to keep coronavirus helpers from being overworked or from contracting the virus themselves.

    Don't Hoard Supplies


    You and your family are not the only ones in need of toilet paper or Clorox wipes. Health care providers, EMTs, and even delivery drivers are in need of these items, especially items like Clorox wipes so that they can remain safe.

    Stay Informed Of Latest Coronavirus Announcements


    Keep yourself educated. Health care professionals are consulting with government officials to help keep you safe, and the best way to show your hanks is to pay attention to what these professionals are saying and following their guidelines.

    Donate To Your Local Hospital Or Help Workers Get PPE


    Another great way to show your gratitude is by donating to your local hospital or donating money or supplies to help workers get the personal protective equipment (PPE) that they need in order to stay safe and healthy themselves. Find out what your area's local needs are and, if you are able to, donate what you can. If you aren't able to donate supplies or money, you can even help by donating time to help craft supplies for coronavirus helpers.

    Offer Your Thanks Virtually


    Social media is a wonderful way to stay connected during this time. It is also a perfect way to tell your coronavirus helpers just how grateful you are for the work they're doing. Leave a post on Facebook that shows what they've done for you and how grateful you are for everything they've been doing.

    Maybe even send a direct message to the organization where the coronavirus helpers work to thank them. We all enjoy being thanked for the hard work we do, and these helpers are no different.

    Write A Personal Letter

    Write a personal letter to your healthcare provider, your mail carrier, or any of the other coronavirus helpers in your life. Maybe even include a drawing from one of your kids. Something this personal can really convey how grateful you are and feel very warming to the recipient, especially if they're having a rough day.


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