We humans – and most other animals – are full of a set of responses to different situations that we experience. We have the basic emotions like anger, fear, surprise, disgust, joy and sadness. But we do feel more than that, and they are emotions too, the thing is… How can we explain them and what’s their name? You’ll find out if you keep reading. 1.Sonder When you realize that each person has a life, which is as vivid and complex as yours. It’s actually pretty funny to think about, we always think we, personally, struggle… and we do sometimes, but we forget about other people’s lives, they struggle too, they have their own story. 2.Monachopsis The feeling of being out of place. Like when you’re somewhere and feel the urge to go, or when you feel really uncomfortable while being there, thinking that you’ll go when there’s a chance. 3.Opia The intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can actually feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. Someone feeling this would think “Am I being creepy or just too polite?” 4.Rubatosis The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat. 5. Mauerbauertraurigkeit The unexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like. Why do we even do this?… I guess it’s our solitaire nature 6. Jouska A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head. This makes us all really happy, conversation goes the way we want it to go, and with the people we want it to be. 7. Chrysalism The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm. Poor doggies in the streets, that’s why we should adopt and give shelter to those who can’t feel this emotion! 8. Lachesism The desire to be struck by disaster. (Survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire) Someone who feels this would say, “Yeah man, I know I’m able to survive a plain crash, I’d be stuck in an island or maybe cross the ocean riding sharks, but yeah!” 9. ExulansisThe tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it. -Yeah man, I went to this Cereal Bar, they actually had my favorite cereal brands like Reeses Puffs and Lucky Charms! -Wtf?! -Okay… 10. Liberosis The desire to care less about things. If you have ever felt this, you have thought this: “Why is this happening to me?… wait I don’t care, *uck it!” Source