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10 Healthy Behaviors That Will Get You Healthy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hala, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. Exercise easy, release stress rather than add it. Watch yourself become a more effective caregiver of you.

    2. We're told to count calories. For most of us, this is a good one to let go. Focus on how you feel and respond to that, not to numbers on a page.

    3. Throw out your scale. You can aim for numbers, or you can aim for feeling good. Try the second one.

    4. Diets fail without fail. They belong to someone else, not to you. Begin with your own feeling. Experiment. Try things. See what works for you, and make your own food rules.

    5. Rather than running away from ease, try running toward it. If you work in a way that puts tension into your body, your health is likely to suffer and your injury rates rise. Instead, practice in a way that lets tension leave your body; no pushing or struggling. Your athletic performance will improve, and so will your health.

    6. If it's got a label, it's not exactly food; it's something constructed. That's fine, but try to eat, as much as possible, foods that don't come with a label. They grow in nature. And when it does have a label, keep it simple. You shouldn't need Google to figure out what's in there.

    7. Vegan food — especially the pretend foods, heavy sauces, and desserts — is some of the most dense stuff you'll find. After you eat, it will often feel like you just swallowed a cannonball. Stick with simple, stick with nature. You'll feel much better this way.

    8. Food bars often have scary things done to their ingredients. Do you know what a "protein isolate" is? Again, stick with nature. Have a banana. Have a few nuts.

    9. Get your protein from wherever you like, but drop the misconception about plants. Eat what makes you feel best. Plants have just as much in the way of essential amino acids as animal meat. Keep in mind that your body doesn't take muscle from a cow leg and put it on your arm. It breaks all protein sources into amino acids, and reconstructs them as your own body.

    10. Wait a second, what's up with #10?! Well, there's a trick. The internet is great. Here we are, talking to each other about health, inspiring each other. But this isn't the primary source.

    YOU are the primary source of health information. The rest is support. You're it. Nobody will ever know how you feel better than you. And that's what you need to go on. How you feel.



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