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10 Most Competitive Residency Programs in US

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    As most of you know journey to matching a residency in USA is not that simple it is really a tough long journey starting from the 1st day in the medical school till passing USMLE with good scores and spending time on researches and electives ...etc.

    You can find more details and discussion about USMLE in our USMLE Forum.

    It is well known that US medical residency programs are the best training programs for doctors in the world, this is why US residencies are the most competitve residencies.

    Different residencies are not the same, It differs according to the hospital itself and according to the specialty, we are discussing here the most competitive specialties for the match.


    10. General Surgery

    Overall score: 18

    Future general surgeons need to exhibit solid USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 scores which, in this instance average 238.5. They still, however, have more than a few spots open for them as an average US senior competes for 1.1 open position in trying to get the match in this residency. Finally, general surgery promises physician’s mean salary of $360,933 which represents the middle ground compared to the rest of available specialties.


    9. Diagnostic Radiology

    Overall score: 20

    “The eye of medicine” – diagnostic radiology is responsible for diagnosing the illness and paving the way for other medical specialties. The average salary of $404,302 is quite promising indeed, but in order to earn it, every diagnostic radiology resident will have to get a 245 USMLE Step tests average or thereabouts. Lucky for them, at least they compete for 1.29 open positions.


    8. Ophthalmology

    Overall score: 20

    Ophthalmologists might earn slightly lower average yearly salaries of $343,144 than their predecessors on this list, but they don’t have plenty of maneuvering space when it comes to a number of open positions. 1.01 is the number here, and most US seniors have to really excel with their respective applications.


    7. Urology

    Overall score: 22

    Urology is still competitive, even though the results vary between the years. Average USMLE tests scores for urology are almost impossible to find, but we have managed to dig urologist’s average Step 1 score which sits at 238. Salary of $381,029 and positions per US senior score of 0.82, however, clearly pinpoint urology’s high competitiveness rating.


    6. Radiation Oncology

    Overall score: 23

    A present-day radiation oncologist is closely connected with cancer treatment, even though physician in this field would only be a part of any respective cancer treatment team. Still, their overall Step score averages 244.5, and they all fight for 0.93 positions. Furthermore, their respective yearly salary of $418,288 is also quite competitive, but they first have to finish their residencies before getting the chance to actually earn it.


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    5. Dermatology

    Overall score: 24

    With mean USMLE Step tests score of 251, average US dermatologist represents the most qualified residency match. Their respective salary reaches $400,989 and they compete for 0.95 open positions. Considering all this, it’s no wonder why dermatology is one of the most competitive specialties on our list of 10 most competitive residency programs in the US.


    4. Otolaryngology

    Overall score: 25

    Proudly carrying the moniker of “the oldest medical specialty in the US”, otolaryngology positions itself inside the top 5. Compared to some of less competitive residencies, the salary of $369,790 doesn’t seem like much, but 250 average in Step 1 and Step 2 scores, together with 0.84 positions per US senior applicant clearly make this residency stand out among others.


    3. Plastic Surgery

    Overall score: 26

    Opposite of otolaryngology, plastic surgery is one of the youngest medical fields in the US. However, it has rapidly gained popularity in past couple of decades and is now considered one of the most competitive specialties. The future plastic surgeon can expect a median yearly salary of $407,709, but he/she also needs average USMLE test score results of around 248.5. Finally, Plastic surgery is the most competitive residency in terms of open positions per US applicant. 0.74 positions mean that only two out of three US seniors can expect to get a match.


    2. Neurological Surgery

    Overall score: 27

    Neurosurgeons earn the most, with their average yearly salaries soaring as high as $609,639. However, they compete for 0.93 positions which isn’t the highest score; as we have seen. Their respective Step 1 and Step 2 score average of 245.5 also isn’t the best, but neurological surgery still manages to be one of the most competitive residency programs, regardless.


    1. Orthopedic Surgery

    Overall score: 28

    The specialty that leads the list of 10 most competitive residency programs in US is orthopedic surgery. Orthopedics warrants the average USMLE tests score of 248, and all future residents have to know that they will compete for only 0.83 open positions. However, average annual salary of $535,668 should be enough to sway many a young med school graduates and seniors into considering this highly competitive specialty as their future vocation.


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  2. Anshu attri

    Anshu attri Famous Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    As we all know that there are myriad professional field across the world. But, the medical field is considered as the top field among existing ones, because it provides better career opportunities to the medical student. But, it is not easy to clear medical course for every students because it really needs passion and hard work in order to develop the skill of providing the best treatment in order to save someone’s life. But, searching the best country as well as university to study medicine in abroad is such a big deal mostly for the Indian students.

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    Read Also: For Doctors: How to make money online

    I want to add the Kyiv National Medical University in your knowledge, if you are in the search of the top medical university as it provides several medical courses, including, General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at low fee structure of MBBS in Ukraine.

    There are following benefits of NMU in Europe:

    World Class Professors: NMU also provides the world class teaching staff members who give their 101% in order to improve the skills of the students so that they can get placed in the best hospitals and research centers. Even, they can set up their own clinic.

    New Technology Based Classrooms and Laboratories: This university provides huge new technology based digital classrooms and fully equipped laboratories with the latest apparatus due to which students can easily and quickly grasp the important things. Here students get the favourable learning environment, which develop interest in the students, which motivate them to learn the new things and researches in the field of medical.

    Igor Babii likes this.
  3. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Family Medicine and Psychiatry are good specialities with less competition

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