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10 Problems Of Doctors : Society Does Not Understand

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. Hectic Schedule: Lack of time for Socials

    Most fields in Medicine are hectic as we are dealing with patient's life or are on cover on duties. So naturally time for Social activities are compromised. This will gradually affect the social standings and relationships unless you are a great diplomat. People rarely accept the lack of time and assume it as not being given a priority, Be it at Home or Parties.

    2. Doctors are not God

    If I say this, people will readily say Yes they aren't who said so. But the expectation doesn't tell us that. Society doesn't understand that everything is not in our hand and we can not know everything every time. Sometimes expectations are so much, when they can;t be fulfilled are turned into rage. Doctors aren't god and cannot be expected to be like God. Even a doctor who assumes himself God is ignorant.

    3. All Doctors don't earn Millions

    We'll like in every field the successful, clever and the best people make it, not all get opportunity and space to make millions. However, still it is one of the best paid occupations.

    4. Doctors Get Ill too

    Once there was a consensus among people that Doctors don't get ill because they have all the medicines and even though they get ill , should be fine by evening. I am sure the thinking process has changed a lot by now.

    5. All Doctors Don't Have Bad Handwriting

    The most common thinking is doctors handwriting are bad, but the fact is most doctors write beautiful handwriting and next time try to take a notice.

    6. All Doctors don't look after all symptoms

    The modern society is changing on it, but the convention is still prevalent. I have heard patient saying that "This doctor knows only about Bone and Joint problems, What sort of a doctor is he?" It may not be that the doctor cannot but ethically he isn't looking at all your problems.

    7. Anesthesists only makes people Sleep

    But the fact is, he/she makes the modern medicine possible. There are lot of things to do to maintain a life while the patient is at sleep painlessly. They are even involved in most complicated procedures and critical care as well.

    8. Doctor couldn't Diagnose my problem

    Even modern medicine cannot diagnose all the problem, or while approaching a disease, it may take sometime before reaching a diagnosis.

    9. Doctors Charge too much- They loot

    While all over the world, Medical and health care industry is the most expensive because it is the field requiring the most Investment for education, most skilled man power and requiring most sacrifices.

    10. Even Doctors Smoke and consume Alcohol

    Though you are advised by doctors not to some or drink, they are as human as you are and they do smoke and often more than the general population. To curb stress of studies, work and life, doctors get into smoking habit, despite knowing every pathology it causes.

    So the Doctor is a bit different that you think, He is no different than you. Respect your doctor and know his limitations, obligations. Next time you visit a doctor, share a smile of warmth and I am sure you'll get the best courtesy in return.



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