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10 Tips to Get Rid of Tension During Medical Exams

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    The research of a plentiful higher level educational institution indicates that a large number of students are suffering from Tension during Exam termed as Exam anxiety. This type of tension totally demolish the preparation of students and affects the student’s performance and hence on result. For better results and bright future prospect, it’s necessary to overcome such type of problems. Here are some perfect tips to get rid of tension during exam, such as:

    1. Make Proper Schedule:
    Prepare a list of most important topics which has a possibly to be listed in exam. Then, make a table of these topics according to the requirement of time and preparation, by giving preference to topics worth less time. And divide remaining days in the number of subjects, priority should be most important subject. Undoubtedly, this table helps in examining the progress. It helps in avoiding tension, as it provide proper information about the preparation.
    2. Allot sufficient time to Sleep:
    According to experts, 8 hour of sleep is sufficient as well as essential for having a calm and healthy mind. But for students in can be reduced to 6-7 hours and try to do late night study till 15 days before exam. Afterwards, follow the normal routine for revision.
    3. Do Mental Exercise:
    Mental exercises such as yoga of meditation is very useful in increasing concentration power, hence very useful if started before one month of exam. This is one of the most significant methods to get rid of tension during exam.
    4. Drink as much water as you can:
    Student should drink lots of water because water makes the body and mind cool and help to think better.
    5. Keep distance from junk foods:
    Try to avoid eating junk food such as burger, chowmein etc and also avoid meat, soft drinks, chocolates etc.
    6.Take mental rest:
    Take a short rest to regain the concentration after a long time interval of study. Some methods such as personal voice recording, watching comedy movies etc helps to relief the brain.
    7. Avoid stress giving persons:
    Some people try to establish stress on student’s mind by talking about their preparation, unnecessary matters. Avoid such type of persons and focus on your study for better grades.
    8. Generate positive thinking:
    Try to generate positive thinking by spending more with those people who release positive vibe. Avoid negative thoughts and don’t thing about the past failures. Some negative thought as ‘most of students are seeming well prepared, while I’m preparing till now.’ Try to overcome such thoughts by positive attitude. Standing and talking in front of mirror is also motivating and a good way of establishing confidence.
    9. Avoid reviewing on last minute:
    Generally, students try to revise the whole syllabus before entering the examination hall. Avoid such last minute review, as it’s one of the reasons of causing stress during exam.
    10. Revision of syllabus:
    Arrange previous year question paper and model test paper made by good writers. Solve these papers properly in same interval of time as going to get in exam. As there will not any pressure of examination hall, exam, examiner, hence such methods help in developing self confidence and get rid of exam anxiety.



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