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12 Foods For Better Looking Facial Skin

Discussion in 'Dermatology' started by Egyptian Doctor, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    1. Seafood for smooth, clear and glowing skin

    Most of you have heard that fish can be really good for your overall health. Several types of fish and shellfish can also work wonders for your skin, especially fatty fish and oysters. Increased omega-3 intake can reduce inflammation and dryness. Inflammation can cause skin to age faster, plus, research shows that getting too little omega-3 fatties may contribute to inflammatory disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Omega-3 fatty acid can also help keep your heart’s arteries clear and as a result improve circulation. Good circulation is vital to skin health. Zinc can help fight acne as it is involved in metabolism of testosterone that affects the production of an oily substance causing sebum, a number one cause of acne. Zinc also takes a part in production of new cells and gets rid of dead skin. It gives the skin a nice glow. Salmon: The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon shield cell walls from free-radical damage caused by Ultra Violet rays, according to a 2011 study. Researchers studied the eating habits of more than 1,200 Australian adults for approximately 5 years and found that for those who ate a little more than five ounces of omega-3-rich fish, for example, salmon, each week the development of precancerous skin lesions decreased by almost 40 percent. Aim to eat 2 servings of fatty fish each week. Tofu: Tofu may help to preserve firming collagen, a fibrous protein that keeps skin firm, since it is rich in isoflavones. One study showed that people who eat isoflavones and are exposed to ultraviolet radiation have fewer wrinkles and smoother skin than those who are exposed to UV light but do not get isoflavones. The experts believe that isoflavones help prevent breakdown of collagen.
    Sardines: Sardines are one of the healthiest foods you can consume. They are packed not only with the omega-3s but also with vitamin D, which is found naturally in a few foods.
    Tuna: Tuna, as other omega-3-rich fish, helps keep your skin looking young and prevents skin cancer. One of the omega-3 fats in fatty fish has been shown to preserve collagen and helps to prevent skin cancer by reducing inflammatory compounds that can promote tumor growth.

    2. Coffee and tea

    Drinking a single cup of coffee a day might lower the risk of developing skin cancer. In one study of more than 94,000 women, females who drank a cup of caffeinated coffee per day reduced their risk of developing skin cancer by about 15 percent. In fact, the more they drank (up to about 5 cups per day) the lower was their risk. Caffeine basically kills precancerous and uv-damaged skin cells by blocking a protein which they need to divide.

    3. Citrus fruits for smooth and taut skin

    The active component Vitamin C is a main ingredient of tons of skin care creams. This vitamin aids in the body’s production of collagen, a protein which forms the basic structure of the skin. Collagen breakdown starts speeding up significantly after the age of 30 and leaves your skin saggy. Taking in extra vitamin C in foods like oranges, Acerola cherries and grapefruits can help prevent wrinkles by tightening your skin. A single Acerola has 100 percent of the needed daily amount of vitamin C. This vitamin also fights inflammation since its antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals, highly reactive oxygen molecules which damage cells and can prematurely age your face.
    Pink Grapefruit: This grapefruit gets its pink hue from a carotenoid lycopene, which can help keep your skin smooth. In a study published in 2010, researchers found that of the 30 individuals studied, those who had consumed higher concentrations of lycopene had smoother skin.

    4. Red vegetables for bright and smooth skin

    Skin is the largest organ of the body. It makes sense, that everything good for the whole body is also good for your skin and it does not get much better than vegetables. You should especially want to look for red and orange vegetables like tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes. Orange and red veggies are full of beta carotene. Your body converts this type of carotene into vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant, preventing premature aging by preventing cell damage. In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti acne remedy that is why vitamin A has been used in acne medications for many years. Tomatoes: Consuming more carotenoid lycopene, which makes tomatoes red, can protect your skin from sunburn. In recent study, participants who were exposed to UV light had almost 55 percent less skin reddening after they ate 3 tbsp of tomato paste in addition to the regular diet, for 11 weeks. However, supplements did not seem to be as effective- in the same study, people who received a lycopene supplement or synthetic lycopene were not significantly protected against sunburn. Red bell peppers: A medium-size red bell pepper supplies you with more than 100 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. Eating more foods rich in vitamin C may help to protect skin cells from the sun’s harmful rays as study suggests that vitamin C can promote the repair of DNA which has been damaged by UV rays. Carrots: they contain the carotenoids and lycopene. Both of them can shield your skin against damage.

    5. Green vegetables for shiny skin

    Spinach and other green, leafy veggies provide tons of vitamin A, which helps your skin by producing more fresh new cells and getting rid of the old ones, reducing dryness and keeping your face looking young and bright.
    broccoli: Eating more broccoli will help to ward off age-related dryness and wrinkles, suggests research from 2008. Skin-smoothing effects of Vitamin C might be due to its ability to mop up free radicals produced from UV rays and also its role in synthesizing collagen, a fibrous protein which keeps skin firm. Spinach: Spinach boasts carotenoid lutein which protects your skin from UV damage. While buying spinach, pick the one right up in the light. New research reveals that spinach stored continuously under the light for as little as 3 days boasted higher levels of vitamin C and preserved levels of folate, Vitamin K, E, and the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein.

    6. Nuts for young and soft skin

    As with some of the skinny foods on this list, the good stuff in nuts, especially almonds, is enormous antioxidant activity. Vitamin E fights against skin aging free radicals, protecting skin especially from sun damage due to UV -generated free radicals. Vitamin E also seems to help skin hold in moisture; making skin look younger and relieving dryness. Consuming vitamin E with selenium can enhance its antioxidant abilities, so go ahead and add some almonds into the cottage cheese, which is a great source of selenium, for revitalizing your skin. Almonds, walnuts and pistachios also provide a good supply of omega-3 fatty acids, one more great skin nutrient.

    7. Whole grains for clear and moisturized skin

    The whole food has whole body advantages, not the least of that is perfect skin. Whole foods are basically unprocessed, for instance, whole wheat bread instead of white bread. The whole grain buckwheat is a good source for the antioxidants, which helps reduce skin damage related with inflammation. Wheat germ provides biotin- the B vitamin assisting cells in processing fats. If you do not have enough biotin in your system, your skin can become scaly and dry. In general, whole grains instead of processed carbs improve your complexion. Processed or refined flours might cause an insulin spike, which in turn will encourage acne. Replace your refined flour pancakes with buckwheat pancakes to make a smart acne-reducing move. In fact, it would also help reduce your risk of developing diabetes.

    8. Fruits with skin- pampering benefits

    Banana: they are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin A, B, C, potassium, magnesium and folate. This fruit heals cracked skin, nourishes and hydrates it beautifully, delaying the signs related to ageing. Mashed banana mixed with a little honey is great for skin.
    Avocado: incredibly rich and creamy, this fruit readily transfers its moist goodness on to the skin. Peel, seed and mash an avocado. Mix in a tbsp olive oil and your hydrating face mask is ready. Apply it all over your face and neck and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash with warm water, dab face dry and see the result in no time.
    Papaya: rich in papain and Vitamin A, papaya offers incredible antioxidant benefits, helping skin get rid of toxins and reduce a radiant look. Try applying papaya pulp onto your face and neck, and relaxing for a 5 minutes, eyes closed. Wash off with worm water, followed by a splash of cold one. For deeper hydration, mix some milk and honey into the mashed papaya. I bet you did not know that even the skin of this fruit contains nutrients which pamper your skin. After peeling, rub the moist inner skin along your face and neck, than wash off and feel your skin fresh and wide awake.
    Strawberries: the antioxidant power of strawberries helps to defy age. These beautiful berries support connective tissue and heal the skin from within. Crush seven to ten strawberries into a pulp and mix with a tbsp of fat free yogurt. Apply this delicious mask on your face and wash off after staying 15 minutes. Your skin will feel radiant and wonderfully soft.
    Pomegranate: they are one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits. Researches show that this fruit’s juice has more antioxidants fighting inflammation than green tea or red wine. Eat some fresh pomegranate or use it in your age fighting scrub. Dermatologists suggest applying once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells.

    9. Pumpkins

    Their orange color comes from carotenoids, a wrinkle-fighting plant pigment, which helps neutralize free radicals in your skin and thus keeps them from damaging the cells that quickly lead to aging. Pumpkin is filled with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as powerful enzymes that help to cleanse the skin as explain dermatologists. Plus, pumpkin has hydrating properties, they add. Although its seeds make a great snack filled with fiber, you will get the skin beneficial antioxidants from the pulp. In a blender or food processor, combine two cups canned pumpkin, four tbsp low-fat vanilla yogurt, four tbsp honey, and a tsp pumpkin pie spice. Apply on your face; leave on for ten minutes and then rinse. It is good for softening and hydrating skin.

    10. Corn

    Corn is an excellent source of one of the carotenoids- lutein. Just like lycopene, lutein shields the skin from sun light damage. If corn is out of season, do not hesitate to go for frozen alternatives. Frozen veggies may be even more healthful than some of the fresh products sold in markets, say plant physiologists with the agricultural research service. But what is the reason for that? Vegetables and fruits chosen for freezing seem to be processed at the peak of their ripeness, a time when, as a general rule, they are most packed with nutrients.

    11. Egg

    If you have researched natural and beauty products, you have no doubt heard that eggs are great skin-care products. There is a lot of advice recommending egg masks and skin treatments, including ancient Chinese wisdom and celebrity recommendations. Experts recommend applying egg white as a facial mask for acne. According to the dermatologists, egg white works like crazy to firm skin, reduce inflammation and redness, and stop breakouts. Egg yolks and whites work to narrow pores and tighten your skin. When you apply albumen to the face, the water evaporates and the protein changes its texture, forming a film. This makes skin feel tight. As experts describe it, it is like putting a coat of paint on face and letting it dry.

    12. Soymilk

    Soymilk can help to preserve skin-firming collagen as it is rich in isoflavones. In one study published in 2012, people consuming soymilk had fewer wrinkles while exposing to ultraviolet radiation and smoother skin than those who were exposed to UV light but did not get isoflavones. Researchers think that isoflavones prevent collagen breakdown and thus keeping skin healthy and youthful.



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