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13 Physician Specialties And Who They Are at The Bar

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Let’s be honest, working in a medical facility is so far from the way the TV Show “Scrubs” cartoonized and stereotyped healthcare staff. Even Grey’s Anatomy fails to really do the industry justice. These popular physician specialties can just seem like a job title, but it’s important to realize that they have some personality behind them. However, it is nice to take a step back and enjoy some humor in the field. Here’s a look at 13 popular physician specialties and who they are at the bar.


    Actually, any stereotype of a particular group proves faulty. Stereotyping is literally the epitome of judging a book by its cover. Although, sometimes, we can all see a little truth behind a particular stereotype, especially when it relates to ourselves. These popular specialties are hitting the bar, so let’s see how they stack up.

    (Disclaimer: None of these are truly accurate, it’s just fun to poke fun at some of our most common (and inaccurate) stereotypes.)

    A Doctor Walks into the Bar: Who Your Medical Specialities Would be at the Bar


    Anesthesia is sitting quietly in the corner, socializing with a few close friends. You admire his relaxed attitude, and you can’t help but wonder why he’s not distracted by the crowd around him. He has an IPA in front of him, but he’s barely touched it with the amount he and his friends have been stepping outside “for air”.

    Cardiology came with Geriatrics who he’s secretly in love with, but she calls him her best friend. He’s approachable, calm and usually confident, but doesn’t understand why Geriatrics isn’t into him. He’s drinking the most expensive whiskey in the bar on the rocks, even though he doesn’t like it. When it comes to these physician specialties, they think with the heart and often end up hurting in the end.

    Critical Care
    Critical Care came with an elite group of friends. They’re too busy discussing politics and world affairs to be bothered with the rowdiness of the bar. He’s drinking a thick porter and appears completely content, despite his rambunctious surroundings. During moments of silence, you can often hear him loudly telling a joke to his friends and those around him.

    Dermatology came by himself, just expecting to socialize with whomever they ended up next to at the bar. He’s drinking whatever beer is on special (probably Bud Light), and politely trying to avoid the next round of Jager Bombs Orthopedics is trying to shove down his throat. Out of all the popular physician specialties, they’re often worried about their appearance and checking the mirror constantly for any blemishes.

    Family Medicine
    Family and Medicine came together, of course. They’re the inseparable couple you can’t help but admire. You’re actually surprised they took a break from their volunteer trips and charity work to make time to come out. They are drinking waters, offering to drive everyone home. They’re often keeping an eye on the other specialties to ensure that they don’t get themselves into trouble.

    Geriatrics is an over-achiever and she’s always looking to hang out with guys that are a little bit older than her.

    Infectious Disease
    Infectious Disease came with a large group of friends and you can’t help but notice the amount that he and his friends are examining the head in their beers. You’re pretty sure they’re analyzing what the beer is made of, rather than just drinking it. They’ve also made repeated trips to the bathroom and exchange hand sanitizer frequently.

    Neurology is wearing thick glasses and sitting at the end of the bar by herself. She’ll often be pouring over her notes from the day. You can’t take her seriously as she eats the olives out of her martini, yet you can’t help but think she’s the wealthiest person in the bar.

    OBGYN is beautiful, and she definitely knows it. She came here with Orthopedics, but she’s not really giving him the time of day. She’s too busy wondering why Anesthesia isn’t giving her the attention the other guys are. She came with a group of similar friends, and they’re all drinking cosmos, wondering who’s going to buy their next round.

    Orthopedics, the jock of the group, is annoyed that OBGYN isn’t hanging all over him. He’s pretty drunk and keeps buying Jager Bombs for himself and Dermatology, who didn’t even know that Orthopedics knew they existed. By the end of the night, he’ll try to fight Anesthesiology for “flirting” with his girl.

    Pediatrics is fraternizing with OBGYN and you’re wondering if she’s even of age, or she just used all her babysitting money to by a fake ID. She seems incredibly confident and is having a great time dancing and drinking a Malibu bay breeze.

    Psychiatry seems really weird, but you can’t but to enjoy his bizarre humor and peculiar demeanor. You can’t tell if he’s more into gaming or medieval cosplay. Either way, the whole bar is enjoying his company.

    Radiology showed up wearing all black, and you can’t help but appreciate her fashion statement. She’s sitting at a table for two, despite being alone most of the night. She chats about dark and insightful topics with anyone who sits down with her. She’s been sipping on the same glass of Cabernet all night.


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