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13 Tips To Ace MRCP Part 2 Exam

Discussion in 'UKMLA (PLAB)' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Here we go with 13 tips to pass MRCP part 2 exam:
    1. if you pass part 1 ..dont waste time and go through part 2 in next registration window
    2. in part 2 pastest is easier than passmedicine my advice is to start pastest 1st
    3. dont waste time in repeating the Q bank ..try to answer new Qs ...if u have much time just go through your weakest points and try to answer it again
    4. about your source for studying the topics source for part 1 is step up for MRCP for Khaled el maghraby .. i didnt open any other book for part 2 .i did fast reading from the same book after finishing answering Q banks
    5. if ur target score in passmedince and pastest > 70% u will be in the safe zone and if ur score is below this just focus in ur weakest points
    6. dont waste time in taking aimless notes ..just take notes of repeated and important topics
    7. about media ...there no dependable source to count on ..train urself as u can exam u will find about 30-35 pics may be less or more ,,so media is really important thing ...adapt urself for unexpected in real exam and dont panic .
    8. about the pastpapers is really really really important ..i did just the last 2 yeasr because i dont have much time if u have time do all pastpapers will help u in ur real exam ..there were about 3-4 Qs from pastpapers in my real exam
    9. managing time in real exam is the key to pass train urself when u answer pastpapers and simulate the real exam .
    10. dont over thinking in some Qs ..overthinking sometimes makes many mistakes
    11. in the last month before exam try to isolate urself from the surroundings if u r married ..get rid of ur husband or ur wife ...and if u r single ..u are already isolated [​IMG][​IMG]
    12. studying groups may help u to fix some concepts from discussion
    13. keep this in ur mind the exam the answer infront u so dont panic and focus ..and wish me luck for the next ...if u wanna add something and ask something just mention me
    Written by Awnecoo Awni

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