Hello, medical student. Before you become an essential, life-saving, high-earning legend, you'll need to suffer at university. You'll need to suffer long days, endless work, and difficult patients. But the worst suffering of all...the ball-ache to end all ball-aches...will be your contemporaries, and the stupid shit they ask you. Because the stakes are very high in Medicine - life and death, that kind of heavy stuff - people are endlessly fascinated by the subject, and want to ask you all about it. This would be fine in theory, but because everyone is officially a moron, people tend to focus less on interesting questions pertaining to specific areas of healthcare, and more on arses. Dicks and arses. Old people's balls. That kind of thing. If you're an aspiring medic, then the chances are pretty high that you've heard these 14 questions at least once in your university life... 1- "What's the weirdest thing you've ever taken out of someone's arse?" 2- "You're a woman, so why aren't you a nurse?" 3- "Do you mind just having a quick look at this...?" 4- "I've got a headache; is it a tumour?" 5- "If you can't handle the pressure of an exam, how are you going to cope with the pressure of being a doctor?" 6- "Do you get to cut people open?" 7- "How many holes have you stuck your finger into?" 8- "Junior doctor? So you're not a proper doctor?" 9- "I've had these symptoms since yesterday; I've Googled them and I think I have HIV" 10- "How many dead people have you seen?" 11- "What's the weirdest penis you've ever seen?" 12- "Aw I love Scrubs!" , Yeah, my life is nothing like Scrubs. Quite obviously. 13- "You look too young to be a doctor" 14- "What's the most minging smell you've ever smelled?" Source