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16 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Medical Student

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:


    Don’t worry, it’s not just you.

    Getting hungry during Anatomy sessions


    Casually discussing lunch options over an open cadaver or comparing a human lung to a melon is a common part of anatomy dissection.

    Practicing OSCE’s on each other over and over and over and over


    ‘Hi, My name is _____ and I’m a Third Year Medical student. I’ve just been asked by the Doctor today to have a look at your heart, would that be okay with you?…’ Sound familiar?

    Watching all your friends graduate, getting jobs and getting married and you’re still in med school like…


    Never-ending ward rounds ‘shadowing’ doctors and you’re just like…


    Shadowing = doing absolute jack shit and floating around after doctors whilst they act like you’re not there. It should be called ‘Ghosting’.

    Night shifts / on-calls


    It should be illegal to have to stay at a hospital for that long and not get paid for it.

    Medical Student Syndrome


    Being convinced that you have every disease you learnt that week and driving your GP insane. ‘I have a headache…and I’m always tired…I MUST HAVE KAWASAKI’S DISEASE.’



    They suck up to consultants and volunteer to stay in the hospital for longer when you want to go home, making you look like a flake. And they should stay in the hospital for longer…more like forever…in the mental health unit.

    Having to learn a whole new language worth of medical words




    Taking all those entrance exams and interviews and wondering if it was all worth it


    Realising that Scrubs is all based on LIES


    Using House and Greys Anatomy to revise


    Having to keep composed in Digital Rectal Examinations


    Ending up talking about medicine to your medic friends and your one non-medic friend is like…


    Still not having an answer for the dreaded question: “So why do you want to do Medicine?”


    You spent so long trying to get into medicine that once you got in you were like…



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