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17 Signs You Suffer From Resting Sadface

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dr.omarislam, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. Unlike your fellow humans who suffer from resting bitchface or resting niceface, you were blessed with a completely different facial problem: resting sadface.

    2. It all began when you made your way through the birth canal with a less than enthused expression on your face.

    "Why does this baby look so sad?" — the doctor who delivered you, probably.

    3. All day, every day you look like you're disinterested in the things happening around you.

    Which is definitely not true at all.

    4. Rarely does a day go by that someone doesn't feel the need to ask you about your well-being.

    I'm fine, honestly.

    5. That said, people begin to behave extremely cautious around you, for fear that they'll hurt your feelings.

    6. When you actually are sad and going through something, no one seems to pick up on that.

    Now that's hilarious.

    7. There are no less than 10 people, and I'm not exaggerating, who take it upon themselves to "make you feel better" each day.

    But...I'm all right.

    8. The most common question you get is, "What's wrong?!"
    LOL. Nothing is wrong. And if there were an issue, I would tell you! Promise.

    9. You're also told to "cheer up" and "smile" a lot, which is weird because it's a proven thing that just because you smile all the time does not mean you're happy.

    10. Also, since your buccal muscles are literally never used, it can be quite weird when you actually smile.

    Sometimes a bit awkward, too.

    11. You obviously know you look sad, but you've often wondered how other people see you because their reactions to your face are so alarming.
    Maybe I look like I'm seconds from crying my eyes out?

    12. You've probably given yourself a few nicknames — "Dark cloud" and "Killjoy" are chief among them.
    Because guess what? You have a sense of humor, even though your face says differently.

    13. You've been told you run the risk of your face being permanently "stuck" on sad, but would that really be such a bad thing?
    No use in changing things now. Also, this is just the way my face sits naturally!

    14. When it comes to people, there are two distinct groups: those who want nothing to do with you...
    Because you get it, who wants to be with someone who looks super sad all the time?

    15. ...and then there are those who won't leave you alone at all, which in all honesty, is just as annoying.
    Can I live?

    16. It would be a relief if you could yell from the top of your lungs that you're actually chill, good, gucci, feeling splendid, etc.

    17. However, despite all of the badgering that comes with your naturally sullen face, it does feel great to know people actually care about you.

    You may look sad, but you're dope as fuck.




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