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20 Great Physicians to Follow on Twitter

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    1- @vivianleemd – Vivian Lee – 2,748 Followers – Dr. Lee is the Dean of the University of Utah School of Medicine who has literally revolutionized the way her health system is run by implementing a system of cost accounting so that their hospital actually knows what each of their medical services COSTS. As a result, they have lowered costs dramatically.

    Do you want to have professional social media pages for yourself or your private practice? check this topic: Social Media Marketing For Doctors and Clinics

    2- @Bob_Wachter – Bob Wachter – 10.2K Followers – Any list of top physicians on Twitter must include Dr. Wachter. UCSF head hospitalist who actually coined the term ‘hospitalist.’ He is on the Board of the American Board of Internal Medicine. He is also an author, speaker, researcher and blogger. I have personally met him and he has many great things to Tweet.

    3- @SherryWren – Sherry Wren – 550 Followers – Dr. Wren is a general surgeon at Stanford in California. Great combination of clinically-related tweets and inspirational/thought provoking tweets.

    4- @HeartOTXHeartMD – John P Erwin III – 4,140 Followers – Want to know what the in-the-trenches issues are for a cardiologist who is devoted to healthcare quality and safety? Then Dr. Erwin is your MAN. Prolific tweeter always with great things to say and share.

    5- @KarenSibertMD – Karen Sibert – 5,099 Followers – Dr. Sibert is an anesthesiologist in Los Angeles. Great perspective as I do not have too many anesthesiologists that I follow on twitter.

    6- @DrIanWeissman – Ian Weissman – 2,373 Followers – Dr. Weissman is a radiologist from Milwaukee who is dedicated to healthcare innovation and value (not just volume) in healthcare. This is particularly important in radiology as the field is undergoing a transformation with its Radiology 3.0 movement. Dr. Weissman will keep you current.

    7- @EricTopol – Eric Topol – 72.8K Followers – I wrote in my last Twitter list blog that Atul Gawande is the Taylor Swift of physicians on Twitter. Well, Eric Topol is the Katy Perry of doctors on Twitter (as in he as A LOT of followers). World-renowned cardiologist and digital health/mobile health enthusiast, he is a great source of information about innovation in healthcare. As a aside, he was a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins where I trained and I was fortunate to train under some of the same doctors that trained him. Neat people all around.

    8- @mithrao – Mitesh Rao – 932 Followers – Dr. Rao is the Stanford Health System Patient Safety Officer. He is in the perfect setting to be at the intersection of innovation (Silicon Valley) and healthcare. His twitter feed is very forward thinking. So if you are stuck in a rut, his tweets are the place to go.

    9- @DrLindaMD – Linda Girgis – 28.8K Followers – Dr. Girgis is a family practice physician in New Jersey and provides excellent commentary regarding on-the-frontlines primary care. Her pragmatic observations are important for anyone wanting to understand healthcare in America.

    10- @ClayDellMed – Clay Johnston – 637 Followers – Dr. Johnston has one of the most unique jobs for a physician… He is the Dean of the UT Dell Medical School in Austin. Keep in mind, this medical school is brand new. Medical schools don’t just pop-up all the time. He has an amazing opportunity to build a medical school from scratch. It will be quite a challenge, but also an amazing opportunity. His tweets in the process are worth reading.

    11- @Dr_Lanie – Lanie Spaedy – 6,690 Followers – Of course, since I am an internist, I have to start the list with a fellow internist! Dr. Spaedy has a lot of followers and offers a great ‘front-lines-of-medicine’ perspective from Middle America.

    12- @MaikeBlayaMD – Maike Tiede Blaya – 3,560 Followers – Dr. Blaya is a neurologist who specializes in headaches and concussions who Tweets on these subjects and healthcare in general. Recent great Tweets include: Stress is the most commonly identified trigger for headache in the average headache suffer. #GoodToKnow

    13- @JenniferJoeMD – Jennifer M. Joe – 4,112 Followers – Dr. Joe tweets A LOT: 13.1K tweets so far, but that’s a good thing. She is a fantastic source of information. In addition to being a doctor, she is an internet entrepreneur as the CEO of Medstro–a social network for physicians–and founder of MedTech Boston.

    14- @yvonneychan – Yvonne Chan – 1,253 Followers – Dr. Chan is the Director of Digital Health and Personalized Medicine at the Icahn Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. As all of you know, Mount Sinai has a fantastic reputation and I think it’s great that they have a Director of Digital Health and Personalized Medicine… most medical schools don’t. To boot, she is an Emergency Medicine physician. Anyone who is an ER doc in New York City must be something special. For info on healthcare innovation, her Twitter Feed is a must follow.

    15- @Babydok123 – Dianna Abney – 878 Followers – Dr. Abney is a prolific Tweeter with 15.6K tweets, and more importantly, is a Pediatrician and Health Officer for the Charles County Department of Health (I believe in Maryland, but I could be wrong). Dr. Abney actively retweets others and has her own great Tweets/insights. Your Twitter life will be better if it includes Dr. Abney.

    16- @DrMarkham – Merry J Markham – 2,656 Followers – Dr. Markham is an oncologist at the University of Florida in Gainesvilles, FL. She specializes in gynecologic cancers and lymphoma, and tweets with the hashtag #gyncsm for Gynecologic Cancers on Social Media. I especially like her account to gain exposure to cancer matters.

    17- @DrDave01 – David Albert – 9,696 Followers – Dr. Albert is an avid Tweeter (40K+ tweets) and great to interact with/exchange with on Twitter. He also has an ‘atypical’ physician career as an inventor and entrepreneur, and does so from America’s Heartland: Oklahoma.

    18- @withyouDrWu – Albert Wu – 2,273 Followers – Continuing with the ‘Albert’ theme… Dr. Wu was one of my attending physicians when I was a resident in Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins. I am biased, but he is awesome! He gave one of the best Friday morning Grand Rounds I have ever heard. He is also the Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research. An active Tweeter with over 10K Tweets, Dr. Wu’s comments, articles, and links will be a great resource for you.

    19- @BldCancerDoc – Naveet Majhail – 1,317 Followers – Dr. Majhail is the Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Program at the Cleveland Clinic. Just fantastic tweets and he often uses my favorite hashtag in all of Twitter: #mpnsm which is Myeloproliferative Neoplasms on Social Media. Isn’t Social Media great?! It has a hashtag for Myeloproliferative disorders! In all seriousness, Dr. Majhail’s Twitter feed will make you smarter and more well informed.

    20- @doctorpemm – Naveen Pemmaraju – 1,379 Followers – Dr. Pemmaraju is a hematologist/oncologist at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. He specializes in leukemia, and has an active Twitter feed and a growing follower base. I am biased because I did my residency at John Hopkins with Dr. Pemmaraju, so I just think the world of him because we worked side-by-side in patient care together. You will find no better doctor and no better Tweeter.



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