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2017 Match Results: Pediatrics Continues To Be Strong Choice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Results of the largest Match on record show that pediatrics continued its tradition of being a strong choice for the thousands of medical school students and graduates who found out on March 17 where they will train for the next three to seven years.

    Pediatrics filled 98% of all positions offered, with categorical pediatrics’ fill rate at 98.4%. U.S. senior allopathic medical students filled 66.8% of all offered pediatric positions.

    “This is one of the most exciting days of the year for pediatrics and a day the AAP family and I enjoy welcoming the newest future pediatricians and members,” said AAP CEO/Executive Vice President Karen Remley, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., FAAP. “The future continues to be bright for pediatrics, as evidenced by the high fill rate for our specialty.”

    Christian D. Pulcini, M.D., M.Ed., M.P.H., chair of the AAP Section on Pediatric Trainees, commented on the high match rate in pediatrics: “This is a wonderful confirmation of how robust and attractive the field of pediatrics remains among medical trainees. I look forward to so many wonderful individuals joining our field and discovering the richest life experience: the opportunity to improve the health and well-being of children each and every day.”

    Internal medicine-pediatrics (med-peds), which is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a combined specialty, filled 93.4% of the 381 positions offered.

    “Med-peds continues to attract allopathic seniors at a very high rate (76%) compared to other primary care specialties,” said Allen R. Friedland, M.D., FAAP, former chair of the AAP Section on Medicine-Pediatrics Executive Committee and a member of the AAP Committee on Pediatric Education.

    Other primary care specialties did well in the 2017 Match, too. This year, internal medicine filled 97.8% of positions offered, family medicine filled 95.8% and obstetrics and gynecology filled 100%.

    This year, the National Resident Matching Program reported a record-high 35,969 U.S. and international medical school students and graduates vying for 31,757 positions.

    Although the number of Match registrants was the most ever, the increase was due primarily to growth in U.S. allopathic medical school seniors and student/graduates of U.S. osteopathic medical schools.

    Results of the Match are watched closely, as they can be predictors of changes in physician workforce supply.


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