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22 Signs You Grew Up In A Family Full Of Doctors

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    “Are you going to be a doctor, too?”


    Here are some hilarious memories (and struggles) that just might hit home if you’re a part of a medical family.

    1 You mastered the art of STFU when a family member was on call.


    2 Your family dinners consist of medical lingo and some very *interesting* stories.

    3 You can’t count on one hand how many times you’ve been asked, “Are you going to be a doctor, too?”


    4 When you’re sick, you call your parents first.


    5 Your childhood toys included medical instruments, like stethoscopes. Totally normal.


    6 You know the struggle of trying to get ahold of someone in your family because they’re busy seeing patients.


    7 Your family’s bookshelf is stacked with medical books on medical books on medical books.

    8 You grew up with so many free branded goodies from pharmaceutical companies — pens, mugs, you name it.


    9 Can’t forget about all those free vacations you went on when your parents attended conferences.


    10 You gave up on faking sick to skip school. Your parents always knew what was really up.


    11 You’re used to reminders from your family members like this:

    12 Your mailbox was flooded with ~prestigious~ medical journals like this:


    13 Your family’s medicine cabinet was STOCKED. UP.


    14 You probably played around with your parent’s old-school beeper.

    I spent ages of my childhood playing around with this!

    — Ahmed T. Radwan (@ATRadwan) June 9, 2014

    15 TFW you’re with your parents and run into their patients at the grocery store or mall:


    16 You know TV shows like “House” and “Grey’s Anatomy” were unrealistic AF.


    17 You ate food from the hospital cafeteria.


    18 You understood that when your parents said “we’re leaving the office in 15 minutes,” they meant anywhere between 15 minutes and 3 hours.


    19 You had never-ending Christmas popcorn and gift baskets because patients would bring your parents holiday gifts.

    20 You’re proud of the photos your parents have framed of you at their office.


    21 Not to mention, all the nurses, secretaries and doctors at your parent’s office know EVERYTHING about you.


    22 You mastered your messy signature at a young age after watching your parents sign so many prescriptions.

    For everyone that makes fun of my signature, my mom's is way worse! #medicalprofessionalproblems #grewupwithdoctors


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    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019

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