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22 Things Medical Students Are Thankful For

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. The white coat
    2. Scrub pants that fit
    3. Good study playlists
    4. Podcasting at 1.7x speed
    5. Pass/Fail grading systems
    6. Not being pre-med anymore
    7. Extra coffee left over after morning class
    8. Free lunch talks
    9. Lecturers with a sense of humor
    10. Lecturers with a passion for teaching
    11. Lecturers with an accent that we can understand
    12. Every single “No Financial Disclosures” joke
    13. The classmate who studied for anatomy and ends up teaching us everything
    14. The resident that grabs us for a cool procedure
    15. Gorgeous dermatology residents
    16. When a patient mistakes us for a physician and calls us “Doc”
    17. Nurses that look out for us in clinic
    18. Celebrating with classmates the evening after a big exam
    19. Acetaminophen, for when that evening gets a little too crazy
    20. Our friends, who keep us sane and endure our nonstop attempts to diagnose them
    21. Our classmates, who understand the struggle and remind us that we are not alone
    22. Our families, who continue to support and love us, even when we come back for Thanksgiving break and spend the whole time studying


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