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24 Things Everyone Who Dates A Doctor Will Understand

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Riham, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Riham

    Riham Bronze Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:


    1. Your S.O.’s working hours are probably not the same as yours.


    If they’re working the night shift, you’ll be lucky to see them for dinner before they head out.

    2. And they’ve forced you to redefine your idea of what “busy” means.

    They’re always going to be busier than you, no matter what you have going on.

    3. You rarely make any fixed plans together.


    It doesn’t matter if it’s Christmas Day; their patient is only going into labour once.

    4. But on the rare occasion that they can commit to a date and a time, it makes you really happy.


    You can now see the logic of syncing your calendars and using date apps.

    5. That said, you’re usually the “planner” in the relationship.


    Because your OH is often short on time, it makes more sense for you to plan your holidays, dates, and meals.

    6. Dating a doctor has definitely made you more understanding.


    You have to accept it when they come home and all they want to do is Netflix and chill (and not always the fun kind).

    7. And it takes a lot to gross you out nowadays.


    Listening to their horror stories means you have developed a stomach made of steel.

    8. But when they do get real downtime, it’s pretty damn blissful.


    If they’re not exhausted, they’re always up for making the most of time off. If you can feasibly fit in a weekend trip and there’s no chance they have to be on call, you’re going!

    9. Because your S.O. seriously knows how to have fun.


    10. You’ve also become an ace at medical-themed gifts.


    Extra girl/boyfriend points if it’s anatomically correct!

    11. You know the best hacks for removing blood stains.


    White wine vinegar is an easy at-home fix.

    12. And you’ve never had to go to hospital to get your stitches removed.


    13. Given the nature of their job, your OH always comes home exhausted.


    14. So a lot of your date nights are spent falling asleep in front of Netflix.


    Which means you’re always an episode ahead.

    15. You watch a lot of Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, and House together.


    In fact, you feel pretty bloody passionate about them.

    16. And because you spend so much time with their friends, you really get the junior doctor strikes.


    17. Having a doctor around the house is useful whenever you get sick.

    "The perks of dating a doctor. "

    Who doesn’t love having a personal WebMD?

    18. But everyone assumes that you have a free drug supply on hand at all times.


    Which isn’t entirely true. They are great for completely nullifying your cancer/lump/swine flu scares though.

    19. You’re both pretty hot on what sterilization actually means.


    If those dishes didn’t reach at least 60°C, they aren’t properly clean.

    20. Even though you both try not to bring work home, you know they do.


    21. Which is why you’re a great listener.


    22. If you’re dating someone studying Meds, you know you have it tougher than most.


    They can’t say no to shifts, and they’ll have study on their mind 24/7.

    23. Which is why you kind of pray they’ll Specialize as a GP.


    It’s awesome being with someone who can teach you something new about humans every day.

    24. But regardless of their specialty, you’re damn proud of them.



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