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25 Tips To Lose Weight

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by Egyptian Doctor, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. 1- First thing in the morning drink 1 cup of warm water with lemon,Drink lots of water throughout the day and with all meals

      2- Drink lots of green Tea (in morning: has natural caffeine) and eliminate all juice (except natural pomegranate juice), diet and regular soft drinks. Drink only 1 cup of coffee a day)

      3- Never ever eat sugar, this also means nothing white (no white Pasta, bread or potatoes (nothing processed, also known as “eating clean”)

      4- Eat whole foods (includes whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread. Read labels, companies put white flour in and call it whole wheat)

      5- Eat all the vegetables you want (limit carrot sticks)

      6- Eat 5 small meals a day (This includes snacks)

      7- Do not eat anything after 7PM

      8- Eat mostly lean protein & limit bad carbohydrates (absolutely no chips, popcorn, cookies, cake etc. no junk food)

      9- Eat only 1 fruit a day, and before 12 noon. (Eat fruit from berry family: Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries)

      10- Do ½ hour to 45 minutes of cardio, preferably walking on an incline every day and 2 one hour Arthro-Pilates™ classes a week. (Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program)

      11- Do light weight training 3-5lbs for upper body 3times a week

      12- Drink 1 protein drink a day (skim milk with whey protein isolate powder with greens + powder in morning)

      13- Eat the good fat (olive oil, fish oil, flax seed oil or seed)

      14- With doctors permission only, take CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) as per body weight to reduce abdominal fat. Note: This is not for everyone!

      15- Get 8 hours sleep

      16- Minimize stress to minimize stress hormones (and reduce abdominal fat)

      17- Snack on a small amount of almonds (5 at a time) throughout the day (4 times a day maximum)

      18- Never weigh yourself (judge progress by clothing size, inch loss, only)

      19- Write a food diary every day to stay on track

      20- Eat low fat dairy products such as plain yogurt, cottage cheese, skim milk. (No solid cheeses)

      21- Read labels. Look for no or low sugar grams, no trans fat and only whole wheat.

      22- Take a good quality multi vitamin/mineral a day

      23- Eat tofu, Beans, and Legumes

      24- Never go on a restrictive diet or on a program diet (They only serve to mess with your metabolism and eventually make you gain more weight, in the long run.) To maintain a good weight and toned body requires a lifestyle change, not a fad diet or program.

      25- Feel good about who you are, as you are. Acceptance is key



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    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012

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