Most physicians are savers and work with a financial planner, according to Medscape's physician wealth and debt report 2019. Medscape analyzed responses from 19,328 physicians in more than 29 specialties. Statistics on physician finances: 1. Fifty nine percent of physician families say they pool income in a common account, regardless of their earnings. Twenty-two percent of physicians said they don't have joint finances with a spouse or partner. Twelve percent said the higher earner pays more of the bills and other expenses. 2. Thirty-eight percent of physicians said they save more than $2,000 per month in a tax-deferred retirement or college savings account each month. Forty-four percent of physicians said they currently work with a financial planner. 3. Seven percent of physicians report having a net worth of over $5 million, while 44 percent report having a net worth of $1 million to $5 million. Forty-eight percent of physicians said they have a net worth of less than $1 million. Source