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3 Mistakes Many Doctors Do

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    There are three massive mistakes that doctors make that keep them feeling tired, stressed and frustrated.

    Many doctors believe that overwork is part of being a doctor. They complain of a constant feeling of pressure and of frustration of not getting things done. not having enough time to do the things they really want to do. They neglect their lives outside of work because Medicine takes over their lives. The three mistakes the make are:

    3. Neglecting your own health and well-being. This means looking after your body, mind and spirit so you can be happy and fulfilled. You can do this by eating healthily, taking regular exercise and connecting with spirituality, by connecting with nature, meditation, or in formal religious practice.

    You cannot expect to be fit and well while eating junk food, never taking exercise, taking excessive alcohol and smoking and never taking time to watch a beautiful sunset or waves crashing on the shore.

    This is important because when you are look after yourself you can better look after your patients. When you don’t care about yourself how can you give the best care to your patients? You could start by taking a walk each day; eating regular meals and avoiding unhealthy food and doing something outside to connect with nature.

    2. Not finding the time to keep in contact with friends and familyRelationships with people outside of your work environment are important because throughout your life there is a bond between family and friends that is very different from that between you and patients or colleagues at work. Usually friends and family are there for you, whatever the ‘ups and downs’ in your professional life, so don’t neglect these relationships. Even if separated by distance you can do this by meeting regularly or speaking on the telephone or via the internet.

    1. Not taking ‘time out’ for rest, relaxation and re-charging your personal batteries. Even doctors are not mechanical machines and you need time doing something else apart from work. When you do this you return to work feeling refreshed and enthusiastic once again. Taking ‘time out’ means rest or recreation away from your work. This can be achieved in various ways: You could:

    • Take a few minutes between patients to close your eyes, concentrating on slow breathing in and out . You may want to think about breathing in relaxation and breathing out tension as you do this, or simply count slowly as you breathe in and out.
    • Get away from your clinic, ward or office for at least twenty minutes for a break during the day. Take the opportunity to take a walk outside especially if you can walk by a river or in a park. At the very least take a walk around the block.
    • Make a regular commitment to see a film each week or go to a concert or theatre : on your own can be as refreshing as with company.
    • Have a few days away, for a complete change of scene and a chance to really get away from it all.
    • Take several months away from work as a ‘sabbatical’


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