Make it a Game Let’s say you have a physiology book that is 150 pages long. Try reading it aloud in a French accent. Or better yet, attempt to read the whole 150 pages like a pirate. Maybe you love old mob movies, and do a great ‘Al Capone’, reading aloud in a classic mob boss voice may suddenly make that British Lit novel way more interesting. If you are part of a study group for your anatomy exam and you have to learn something like anatomy of upper limb in its entirety, you can all work together to make up a silly song or create an acronym for each line of the periodic table. Teach It One of the best ways to learn and retain information is to attempt to explain the information to another person who knows nothing about it. Take turns in your study group teaching the same information. Each person will present the information in a slightly different way, and there are marked improvements in memory when you teach a topic as opposed to simply attempting to remember the information. Take Breaks One of the most beneficial things during a study session is taking time to rest your mind. Turn on some of your favorite music and have a private (or group) dance jam. Or get up and go find a snack. (Twinkies and Snickers come highly recommended.) The walk can help clear your head and get your blood moving again. When you get back from your break, make sure you don’t sit in the exact same spot. Keep changing it up and you will find you are less prone to getting bogged down! [Broken External Image]: Source
mmm.. for me , taking a break then returning to study again is difficult ! Once my brain is turned off it can't regain concentration quickly .. May be I can rest in my same place