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4 Medical Careers That Don’t Quite Exist Yet

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    #1 The Quantified Self

    Family, friends and employers often look at “how” you are, but with the rise of modern technology, now you can be measured as “ how much?”Personal attributes, like our dispositions, levels of oxygen and amount of steps taken can now be precisely measured and shared. One goal of sharing this information can be to optimize our health and general wellbeing. In the past, simply taking a walk once a day meant you were somewhat active, but now that we can measure the number of steps, incline and exact exertion of energy, we can analyze how active you are by analyzing every number possible during your daily strolls.

    The quantified self is emerging in fitness gadgets like Fitbit and sleep tracking apps, but these numbers are typically used to improve specific qualities of an individual using computer analysis. As more sensors and apps collect ever more measurements, that that data will be melded into the truly quantified self.

    This technological phenomenon will be integrated into a medical career to improve logical, physical and cognitive abilities that can potentially alter a life.

    #2 Future Sports: genetics, body modification, quantifiers, analysts and psychologists

    From everyday fans to outrageous fanatics, sports represent much of the human spirit and capabilities all over the world. In real time, teams and individuals test their boundaries, discipline and strength. The changes being brought about by technology all around the world are affecting sports as well. Every day, records are broken and the hours spent pursuing those records increase.

    Improved safety equipment and training environments are remarkable and highly advantageous for modern athletes. Genetic engineering may provide scientists and doctors the ability to craft “super athletes” before birth. Designer athletes inevitably pose controversial issues, but we are seeing what may be the foundation of the first careers in future sports .

    #3 Data Engineers: integration of the trillion-sensor future

    Data collected and stored on the internet is rising at an exponential rate. It is estimated that in 2024, just 10 years from now, we will reach a record 1 trillion sensors. With all this data come sensor-specific careers, such as sensor designers, engineers, and data analysts.

    Potential employers will look for candidates able to assess, organize and optimize sensors, recognize and fix errors, and integrate data.

    #4 3D printing: medical applications, devices and organs

    The industry of 3D printing is new and booming. Printers are now able to print virtually anything, even vital organs. Imagine needing a kidney but never having to wait for a donor. “Organ agents” are becoming recognized as a career, intricately designing functional organs for 3D printing. One day, organ donation may become a thing of the past.

    Organs aren’t the only things being 3D printed. Life-saving medical devices and applications will be customized for individual patients and printed on demand.


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