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5 Habits Worth Stealing From Smart People

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hala, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    If at first you don’t succeed, try… writing it down? According to a new infographic by, a site dedicated to guiding people along their search for accredited online Ph.D. programs, written goals are among the shared habits of smart people.

    Putting pen to metaphorical paper helps keep a person accountable, whether they’re committed to losing weight or increasing their income.One study found 64 percent of participants accomplished their goals after writing them down compared to 43 percent of non-writers, whileresearchers from the University of Washington found goals are easier to meet when they can physically view them — presently, and again when they’ve moved on to another goal.

    Beyond goal-setting, the Einsteins and Edisons of the world are persistent, self-disciplined, and critical thinkers. They're also (perhaps unsurprisingly) voracious readers. This idea supports previous science that shows strong reading skills can lead to higher intelligence. If you just so happen to pick up a copy of Harry Potter, you're less likely to be biased, too. (For real.)

    That’s not to say smart people aren’t flawed. The infographic also shows they’re more susceptible to sleep deprivation, drugs and alcohol, as well as anxiety.

    So if you aren’t an extraordinary genius (an IQ of 160), or even just genius (an IQ of 140), adding the non-drinking habits to your daily routine can help steer you in an (ahem) smarter direction. Check out the complete infographic below!



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