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5 Important Tips For Young Doctors

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by dr.omarislam, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    5 important tips for young doctors

    A lot of young doctors today forget that while they are supposed to be good at their jobs, their presence should be able to comfort their patients as well. Doctors are judged by the way they present themselves in front of their patients, which is why they have to put their best face forward.

    1. Treat patients like your buddies

    The young generation of doctors are sometimes at a loss on how to present themselves to their patients. It is not a good sign when doctors act completely ignorant about the problems that their patients are suffering from and try to draw the attention away from the problems. From a patient’s point of view, these doctors are immature and lack professionalism. When patients come to see them, they are also looking for an advisor; someone they can look up to.

    2. Know when to draw the line

    As most young doctors know, they should be able to keep their private life separate from their duty as a medical officer. It is the same in every line of work, but as a medical officer, it is extremely important to be able to draw that line. Patients should not be the ones bearing the brunt of the many mood swings of young doctors. Doctors should present themselves in a professional manner to both their patients and to their colleagues. On the same note, doctors should remember that patients patiently wait in line to see them so that they can help them with their pain, not to make them feel worse.

    3. Do not be arrogant

    Most doctors who are arrogant have no idea that they are portraying themselves in such a manner. Instead, it is the patients that get a taste of that arrogance in the consultation room. In order to be a good doctor, it is important to listen to the patients when they explain the health issues that they are facing. An arrogant doctor is most likely going to interrupt patients when they are in the middle of explaining their concerns and it is even worse if the doctor makes a point angrily to the patient without even realising it. Doctors who fall under this category are known to not like spending time checking on their patients, choosing instead to come to a conclusion on their own. That does not make them come across as being confident, instead, they are seen as being arrogant and it appears that they are being disrespectful to their patients.

    4. Be confident in your abilities

    When a doctor is not confident and has no idea what the problem on hand is, the patient will begin to panic. Usually, when doctors are clueless, it means bad news for the patients. The worst is when young doctors turn to their computers and Google the health problems in front of their patients. Young doctors should not display their lack of confidence to their patients, as it is not professional. Patients come with a lot of expectations and it is the young doctor’s job not to disappoint them. When in need, the young doctor can seek advice from more experienced doctors.

    5. Be a source of comfort

    Doctors consult patients of all ages. Whether it is a child or an elderly patient, he or she should feel safe in the doctor’s consultation room. Young doctors should listen attentively to their patients when they speak and acknowledge their concerns. Patients find this comforting - especially in this day and age when young doctors are being bombarded with technology devices that take their attention away from their patient. Thus leading them to not listening well enough to their patients and making them seem aloof to them.

    It is not easy being a doctor as it is a rather stressful profession. Although it might not be easy to smile and act alright all the time, young doctors should note that they do not have that luxury when they see their patients. Their priorities need to change to caring for their patients as soon as they step into the consultation room.


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