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5 Podcasts That Will Make You A Better Doctor

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    How do you use your commute time? Do you spend it mindlessly listening to top 40 radio, pounding your fist on the steering wheel, or ruminating on your day ahead? There’s a better way to ease your way into the workday. Podcasts help prepare your mind for the rigors of practicing medicine, turning what would be an aggravating or mindless morning commute into an intellectually stimulating experience. Doctors should start with these 5 podcasts.

    The Peter Attia Drive Podcast

    Dr. Peter Attia is a physician who made the transition from emergency medicine to specializing in longevity and wellbeing. Though, like any ethical doctor, he never names his clients, many of his guests have talked about working with him. Some you might recognize, such as legendary music producer Rick Rubin and Silicon Valley guru Tim Ferriss. The Drive brings leading minds of medicine and science to discuss their work. Physicians are sure to glean insights they can carry into their own practice. To get a taste for what Attia is all about, start with his episode with sleep expert Matthew Walker, PhD.

    Found My Fitness with Dr. Rhonda Patrick, PhD

    Dr. Rhonda Patrick exploded onto the podcasting scene after several marathon appearances on Joe Rogan’s Podcast. Her doctorate is in biomedical science, and as a result, Patrick gets really granular with the biological and chemical underpinnings of modern disease and illness. What makes Patrick so fascinating is how she synthesizes her knowledge in such a way that clinicians and even laypersons can practice what she preaches. Guests frequently include some of the world’s leading researchers. Start with this episode with Dr. Dominic D’Agostino for a deep dive into carb-restricted diets.

    The Tim Ferriss Show

    This isn’t a medical podcast, but it can’t be all medicine all the time, doctor. You need some balance. Tim brings experts from industry, sports, music, you name it, to pick their brains about what drives them toward excellence. As a result, Ferriss might just be the most well-rounded person alive. There are a myriad of life and work lessons to be gleaned from Ferriss’ guests. The best part about Tim’s interviews is they almost always deliver tips you can put into action immediately. Start with this episode with chess champion and learning theorist Josh Waitzkin.

    NEJM This Week and Perspective

    You probably have a small mountain of New England Journal of Medicine copies somewhere in your home or office, waiting for the day you’ll have time to read them. Granted, there’s no substitute for putting your mind to the latest clinical research by reading, but something is better than nothing. That’s where NJEM’s This Week comes in. Each episode clocks in at about 30 minutes and goes over what’s in the latest issue. Perfect for your commute to or from the office. If you get through that, you can tap into what some of the leading thinkers have to say with NJEM’s Perspective. Start with this episode on opioid abuse among medical students.

    This Won’t Hurt a Bit

    What would life be without humor? Dr. Mel Herbert and Dr. Jess Mason are the physicians behind This Won’t Hurt a Bit, a highly entertaining and funny podcast. This Won’t Hurt a Bit ranges in topics and formats, from the intricacies of botulism and marijuana, to what-if scenarios, such as: Could modern medicine have saved president James Garfield from an assassin’s bullet? Start with this episode on outdated medical practices.


    Doctors should check out these 5 podcasts:
    • The Peter Attia Drive: Good for doctors who want to help patients or themselves live longer.
    • Found My Fitness: Useful for physicians looking to take a deeper dive into the science of health and longevity.
    • The Tim Ferriss Show: Implement lessons from leaders in business, science, and the arts that will make you more effective.
    • NEJM’s This Week and Perspective: Catch up on the latest research from the journal.
    • This Won’t Hurt a Bit: Get a few laughs with two entertaining physicians.

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