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5 Ways to Get Geared Up for Back to School

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

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    Buy textbooks and school supplies ahead of time: You definitely don’t want to get behind on work because of what easily could be fixed with Amazon. This will also save you time shopping so you can do more studying. Some people may also find it helpful to glance through the textbooks before classes start so you have an idea of what you’ll be learning.

    Do your laundry: It’s never fun to realize you don’t have clean underwear on the first day of class. And, it’s important to start with good hygiene, even if things go downhill from there. For some reason, it’s always impossible to make the decision to do laundry but there’ something magical about following through. Maybe it’s just me, but doing laundry makes me become super productive from the time the last sock enters the wash until the moment everything is freshly folded. The living space gets cleaned, draws get reorganized and dishes get done. It may not be a lot of time, but it makes all the difference.

    Clear up any unresolved business: Whether it’s a problem with a friend, partner or family member, you want to clear up any unfinished business you had before you go back to school. Starting classes with a clear mind is very important and delaying a resolution to these issues will only ensure that they arise at an inconvenient and busy time during the school year. Take the opportunity to work out issues when you’re in a calmer state of mind and not in the midst of studying for a huge exam.

    Facebook stalk a little: Yes, you heard me correctly. There’s nothing worse than running into a peer with whom you worked on a project, and maybe even went out for drinks once or twice, and not being able to recall their name. It’s happened to everyone. Avoid the likelihood of this awkward encounter by browsing your Facebook. But, don’t overdo it. The only thing worse than forgetting someone’s name is freaking them out by knowing too many details about their summer vacation.

    Make a list of goals: Sit down and think hard about what you hope to accomplish — academically and personally — in your next year of school. Then think of several things that you can do to help you reach these goals. For example, if you want to have a better academic performance than the year before, you might try studying far in advance of test, or set aside study time if you have trouble with time management. Thinking about your goals in advance can also make you feel rejuvenated and excited to get back into gear for school. It will feel good to look back at the list and see how much you accomplished. Go you!


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