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6 weird Things Found Lodged In People's Skulls

Discussion in 'Neurology' started by Hala, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

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    The 3-pound human brain is so delicate it’s softer than most of the meat you’ll find at the market. So despite your childhood shenanigans when you banged your head against the wall to test your invincibility, the brain is very vulnerable, and not surprisingly, destructible. While thecerebrospinal fluid acts as a protective cushion around the brain, nothing can stop it from being bashed into the inner walls of the skull, especially high impact penetrating injuries.

    The brain can be perforated by almost every conceivable object. This type of traumatic injury is serious and life-threatening. There are high incidences of stabbing on the left side of the skull most likely due to right-handedness of the assailant, unless the victim is hit from the back, according to an article published in the journal of Surgical Neurology. The most common injury site is the frontoparietal region with temporal stab wounds more likely to pose major neurological deficits.

    In the U.S., there are an estimated 1.5 million head injuries that occur each year in emergency rooms.


    Toddler Rams Chopstick 3 Inches Into Skull

    A toddler in China and his father both learned a valuable lesson: Don’t play with chopsticks. Huang Zicheng, 2, was rushed to the emergency room after he was found with an adult-sized chopstick rammed up his bloody nose. Doctors revealed the chopstick penetrated nearly 3 inches into his brain.

    The CAT scans show the chopstick penetrated exactly 7 centimeters, or 2.7 inches, into the boy’s brain, according to the Daily Star. Brain surgeons are baffled how the toddler miraculously made it unscathed. The chopstick failed to damage brain nerves or arteries. The toddler is expected to make a full recovery.


    Man Accidentally Shoots 3 1/2-Inch Nail In Head
    A man in Chicago could not begin to wrap his head around why he felt physically ill until an X-ray revealed the daunting news. Dante Autullo, 32, of Orland Park had been walking and talking, and was even plowing snow after he had accidentally shot himself in the head with a nail gun, CBS Chicagoreported. The 3 1/2-inch nail lodged in sideways in the middle of his brain for the whole time.

    The accident apparently happened when Autullo was standing on a ladder and working on a project in the garage. It was the recoil of the final shot that sent the gun near his head after he fired several nails. It wasn’t until he felt nauseated and went to the hospital that an X-ray revealed there was a nail lodged inside his brain, just millimeters away from the part that controls all the motor functions.

    Man Gets Scissors Lodged In Skull After Bar Fight
    A charming Mexican man at a bar in Chihuahua learned he wasn’t loved by everyone there. Jonas Acevedo Monroy, 32, was rushed to the hospital by his friend Nandor Altamirano Carvajal, after beingstabbed with a pair of scissors by Miguel Angel Rodriguez Armendariz, 30, who fled the scene immediately. Despite bleeding his brains out, Monroy remained calm in the ER when he politely told the hospital staff, “I have a small problem.”

    Monroy fainted before he received medical attention from the staff, who originally thought it was some sort of joke. He was rushed into the emergency room, where an X-ray revealed he had been stabbed in the upper left side of his skull, and the scissors had penetrated his parietal brain lobe. The hospital staff agreed he is lucky to be alive.



    Taxi Driver Has 12-Inch Knife In Skull For 3 Hours
    A drunk Brazilian man got into a bar fight that literally came to a head after he was stabbed three times, including in his skull. Juacelo Nunes de Oliveira, 39, drove for nearly three hours to a nearby hospital before being transferred to a different hospital for emergency treatment. The man suffered knife wounds to his chest, throat, shoulder, and his head.

    De Oliveira “wasn’t aware” he had a 12-inch knife protruding from his skull when he sought medical care. Doctors suspect the shock and the drinking may have helped him not understand the knife was still in his head. It was after he saw the handle of the knife of his head that he was in disbelief to have survived the potentially fatal stabbing.


    Teen Shot In Head With 3-Foot Fishing
    A Florida teen cheated death on a fishing trip after he was shot in the head with a 3-foot fishing spearing. Yasser Lopez, 16, and his friend were swimming in a lake near their home in Miami-Dade, Fla., when they were preparing the gas-powered spear gun to hunt for fish before it was fired. Lopez was rushed to the hospital where he arrived conscious but with the 3-foot spear protruding from his forehead.

    Luckily, the tip did not penetrate the skin, but doctors could feel underneath the skin on the back of his head, indicating it went all the way through. The X-ray images showed that the spear had went all the way through Lopez’s head at an angle that just missed his eye, and dodged the major blood vessels in his brain. It was just less than 1 inch above the central brain that controls the senses, heart rate, and breathing.


    Man Survives 6-Foot Iron Bar Through Skull
    A Brazilian construction worker survived a horrific accident after a 6-foot iron bar fell from the fifth floor of a building and went straight through his hard hat and through his skull. Eduardo Leite, 24, was taken to the hospital with one end sticking out of his head and the other protruding from his eyes, International Science Times reported. Leite was holding it and his face was covered in blood as if nothing had happened.

    The construction worker underwent hours of surgery, but the doctors successfully removed the metal bar out from the front in the same direction it entered the brain. Leite came within a few centimeters of losing an eye and becoming paralyzed in his left eye.


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    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015

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