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7 Alternative Medicine Treatments Doctors Actually Recommend

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Alternative medicine isn’t just “woo-woo” wellness. Here are the once far-out remedies top docs are using.

    Alternative medicine is only slightly more mainstream


    Last year, I had a few months of odd symptoms including heart palpitations, insomnia, and intense fatigue. Finally, after some blood tests, my gynecologist whipped out her prescription pad and scribbled… the name of an ancient herb. Two things about this were strange. First, the herb, ashwagandha, seemed to help. Second, my mainstream doctor in suburban Florida recommended an herb?

    But my physician is not the only one dabbling in alternative medicine. While many doctors remain skeptical, a Harvard study found that homeopathic medicine use has jumped 15 percent in the United States. And the American Hospital Association says more than a third of the nation’s hospitals offer integrative medicine. Here are some treatment options that are proven to work.

    Guided imagery to speed recovery from surgery


    Visualizing your success pre- and post-surgery could help you recover more quickly, Scientific American reports. In one study, participants undergoing ACL surgery mentally rehearsed physical therapy exercises and visualized the physiological healing process. According to the results published in the December 2012 issue of the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, the group that practiced imagery showed more significant improvements in knee stability and reduced levels of stress hormones. Research published in the Permananete Journal also indicates guided imagery reduced surgery anxiety.

    Gulshan K. Sethi, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Arizona Health Science Center and professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, adds that imagining yourself recovered could specifically lower your heart rate. Dr. Sethi doesn’t force patients to do guided imagery, but most take his suggestion.

    Acupuncture to treat pain


    According to Lonnie Zeltzer, MD, the director of the pediatric pain program at the Mattel Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles and professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, people with chronic pain often experience a “snowball effect.” Meaning, the longer the pain persists, the harder it is to treat. That’s why she recommends acupuncture to most patients, among other methods. “We don’t know exactly how it works, but it has been found to increase levels of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin and endorphins, and it may also deactivate parts of the brain involved with pain perception,” she says. Research published in the Journal of Pain backs this up. Researchers concluded that acupuncture effectively treats chronic pain. More specifically, the effects persist over time, and the benefits cannot be explained away solely by the placebo effect.

    Yoga for depression and anxiety


    Yoga might not seem like alternative medicine, but the practice is hugely beneficial for your health. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that people with major depressive disorder who participate in yoga and deep breathing classes at least twice weekly experience a significant reduction in their depressive symptoms, Psychology Today reports. Patricia Gerbarg, MD, a psychoanalyst and assistant clinical professor at New York Medical College, adds that inhaling and exhaling in equal measure makes a difference. “We think changing the breath sends signals up the vagus nerve, telling the brain that the body is relaxed, so the brain can relax too,” Dr. Gerbarg says. That said, Dr. Gerbar still prescribes medication for patients who need it, but she’s seen people who don’t respond to drugs or psychotherapy improve after practicing yoga with deep breathing for 20 minutes twice a day.

    Hypnosis to calm irritable bowel syndrome


    Various studies show that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients can reduce their symptoms with hypnosis. One study from 2015 found that 76 percent of 1,000 IBS patients cut the severity of their symptoms in half with hypnosis. Another study also found that the benefits of this alternative medicine last after six, ten, or 12-month follow-ups. David Spiegel, MD, a psychiatrist, and professor at Stanford Medical School, has hypnotized more than 9,000 patients for everything from phobias to IBS.

    Supplements to help cancer patients


    Gary E. Deng, MD, an internist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, grew up in China—where herbs and teas are medicinal. His Western-based education, however, brought him to believe that supplements must be heavily studied. “When patients ask me whether supplements might help, I tell them that in most cases, we don’t have definitive evidence, and some supplements can even be harmful,” Dr. Deng says. Still, the research on some supplements is intriguing enough for a patient to consider them. For example, alpha lipoic acid (ALA) could help chemo patients with tingling and numbness caused by nerve damage, according to Dr. Deng. Research published in the journal Neoplasmanotes that the potential use in cancer therapy must be studied more. Other sources, such as the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, claim there is no evidence to support the use of ALA for cancer. Other research points to vitamin D and green tea extract, which could both potentially lower the risk of developing cancer.

    Tai chi for insomnia


    New research published in the journal of Biological Psychology shows that cognitive behavioral therapy combined with tai chi could reduce both insomnia and inflammation. After one year of treatment, those on cognitive behavioral therapy and tai chi had reduced blood levels of C-reactive protein. Plus, they had decreased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines—both indicators of inflammation. The Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota recommends practicing tai chi to reduce stress and help you fall asleep faster, too.

    Aromatherapy for anxiety and stress relief


    Aromatherapy is a therapeutic alternative medicine approach for people suffering from anxiety, depression, or chronic illness. According to the Mayo Clinic, some smaller studies have also shown that aromatherapy could improve quality of life for people with dementia or reduce pain for people with kidney stones. The essential oils used in aromatherapy reportedly stimulate smell receptors in the nose. Those receptors send messages through the nervous and limbic systems—the part of the brain that controls emotions. One study specifically found that rose water can noticeably reduce anxiety. Plus, combining massage therapy with essential oils is known for being relaxing.


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