Calling consults before even seeing the patient. Going on vacation without arranging coverage… assuming that residents or hospitalists will cover. Despicable penmanship. Using prohibited abbreviations (and then having the kahonies to get angry when nurses or pharmacists call them on it). Always being late for meetings, appointments, and important events. Always. Asking a staff member a question without greeting them first (“Hello”, “Excuse me”, “Pardon me”, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but…” no greeting what so ever, none). Introducing themselves as “Doctor” after another doctor initiates the introduction using their first name (Goes like this… “Hi, I’m John Smith, one of the ER docs here. Nice to meet you.” “Oh, Hi. I’m Dr. Snobwalla, Chief of Surgery.”) Source
I don't have a problem with the last one. I think it is helpful to the patient and/or family to know who they are dealing with. I've have interacted with a lot of doctors who I wondered if they were old enough to shave much less be a doctor. Plus I think it can help communicate the seriousness of the condition: "Hi I'm Dr. X, head of neuro-oncology." vs. "Hi I'm Dr. X, one of the residence here." It also helps direct the patients questions. You are scoping out a course of action for a patient, you might have 5 different doctors (chemo-oncology, radiology, surgical oncology, PT, OT, and social, nutrition) and they are all wearing white coats and scrubs, maybe not the social, but maybe. Announcing your position is not annoying it is courtesy. Plus if you paid enough money to put MD behind your name, you better get some value out of it. ;-)
Parents Professors Tutors AND DOCTORS in the making TAKE NOTE When Parents crush their children's spirits, ALL illness is caused by this attitude. Looking back now I think I would like to have been a Professor of Medicine so I could have taught other Professor Tutors and their offspring, dismissing students as we observe so much in history because they threaten Professors lack of real knowledge regarding ill health with new and innovative thoughts about the subject, causing today illnesses with no known cause and no known cure thereby treatment resistant to be more active today than ever and thereby encouraging parents to be so destroying of their offspring?