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7 Qualities That Doctors Can Learn From Business Leaders

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by dr.omarislam, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    7 qualities that doctors can learn from business leaders

    In the field of medical science, creativity is discouraged and doctors are taught to follow the tried and tested methods handed down by their professors. The lack of creativity in the process of teaching medicine kills the innovative spirit required to transform healthcare.

    On the other hand, in business schools, students learn through case studies, analysis and discussion. There is positive competition among students to develop new ideas. In today's age of globalisation, the paradigm is changing fast. Medical problems are becoming more complex. Merely possessing good clinical skills does not make one an outstanding doctor. There is an increasing need for doctors to be business savvy as well. Doctors need to learn to work together as a team because team based care is integral in providing quality healthcare across different medical settings.

    1. Leadership skills
    One of the important skills that doctors can learn from business leaders is leadership. To be successful in healthcare, one should have good leadership skills. Doctors are uneasy when placed in a leadership position and are also not good when it comes to motivating people. There is cut-throat competition in the healthcare business so doctors should develop a competitive spirit within them and have the passion and desire to perform better than their competitors.

    With the leadership skills acquired, doctors can apply it to any situation at work where they are required to take the lead such as in an emergency or operation room setting. As different leadership styles suit different people and depends on the circumstance, doctors should know when to adapt and change according to the situation at hand.

    2. Taking initiative
    Doctors should also possess the ability to take initiative. Taking initiative is important as it motivates people to work harder and better. One of the best ways doctors can lead is by example – pitching in where they are needed and lending a helping hand to their team members.

    3. Good communications skills
    Good communication skills is indispensible as providing healthcare is a team effort and communication lines should always be open. Doctors must be able to communicate effectively not only with one another, but also with nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals like nutritionists and rehabilitation therapists to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the treatments being administered to their patients.

    By having good communication skills, doctors can also be picked to present at conferences and medical events; thus boosting their resume and getting noticed by other healthcare professionals.

    4. Good listening skills
    Doctors must be able to simply listen to the problems that patients or nurses tell them. By attentively listening, doctors can uncover things that they might have otherwise missed out be it in the diagnosis or problems in the workplace.

    5. Ability to move forward
    Business leaders have faced many setbacks in their career before they got to where they are today. A good leader moves forward without looking back and does not blame others for their situation or failures. Similarly when a patient outcome is not how they desired it to be, instead of blaming the nurses or other healthcare professionals who are also caring for the patient, doctors should reflect on what could have been done better and not dwell in the past. Doctors can analyse their mistakes and push forward with determination. Similarly, business leaders who just remain stagnant will not make it to the top in the tough business world. Henry Ford once famously said "Failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

    6. Emotionally stable
    Business leaders are often placed in difficult situations and have to make tough decisions such as in retrenching staff when their business is losing money or when it goes under. Similarly doctors regularly have to deal with losing their patients or stressful workplace situations. When situations call for a level head and rational thinking, it is important for doctors to remain emotionally stable.

    7. Integrity
    Personal and professional integrity is not only important for business leaders but for doctors as well. Business transactions are conducted keeping ethics in mind. Doctors should admit to their mistakes and try their best to rectify them rather than hide it lest it becomes even bigger. Doctors should conduct themselves fairly and responsibly in fulfilling their duties.

    Doctors can indeed learn a lot from business leaders and it will benefit them a lot and more importantly their patients, in the long run.


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