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7 Signs You Should Try Drinking Lemon Water For A Week

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rana El-Rakhawy, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Rana El-Rakhawy

    Rana El-Rakhawy Famous Member Verified Doctor

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Do you order lemon with your water at restaurants to improve the taste? Did you know that doing so actually has a plethora of health benefits besides better taste? If you try drinking lemon water for 7 days straight, you will find these 7 symptoms going away.

    1. You always feel tired

    If reaching for a cup of coffee every few hours is becoming your norm, you should really consider drinking lemon water for a week to cleanse your system. While the first two days are going to be a little tough due to caffeine withdrawal, by the end of the week you should start feeling a lot better than you have in a while. Stop reaching for your coffee mug and start squeezing lemons to get more energy in your day.

    2. You get sick often

    If a runny nose and constant cough occur every other week for you, lemon water can help! The natural vitamin C in lemons will help your immune system fight off viruses and bacteria. Drinking more water will also help cleanse your system and remove bad toxins from your bloodstream.

    3. You eat more than you should

    If you have problems with overeating, lemon water might be the solution. Thanks to lemon acid and pectin, infusing your water with this fruit will help your stomach feel fuller for longer periods of time. Pectin is a natural chemical found in many produce, so feel free to combine lemon with some water to give your stomach a little more substance to digest. You can have lemon water before any meal to keep you from feeling overly hungry.

    4. You have indigestion problems

    Drinking lemon water for a week can cleanse your system of toxins and other harmful bacteria, and also has a similar molecular structure to your stomach’s digestive juices. Lemon water will trick your liver into creating bile, which helps move food throughout your digestive tract. This is why any indigestion, bloating, or gas is alleviated with the consistent consumption of this drink.

    5. You have acne

    Acne is a problem that plagues so many Americans. I had horrible acne as a teenager! Luckily for us acne-prone people, lemon produces antioxidants which helps prevent your skin from breaking out. Additionally, lemon helps your body produce collagen, which is known to smooth out wrinkles in the skin and promote skin elasticity. Drink lemon water for a week, and you’ll see some major changes in your face!

    6. You want to lose weight

    Just like helping the overeaters, lemon water can help those of us who are a few pounds heavier than we’d like to be. The acidic nature of lemon juice, combined with the juice’s negative-charged ions, give your body a boost in energy. This energy boost means your metabolism will kick into higher gear. In addition to a faster metabolism, the pectin will keep you fuller for longer periods of time, again helping you kick those detrimental eating habits. When you burn more calories and eat less, you will definitely lose those pesky pounds!

    7. You have mood swings
    Lemon consumption has been found to reduce stress levels and improve moods. If you drink lemon water for a week, your improved energy levels will combine with the natural stress relief properties of lemon juice and result in optimum and controlled mood levels. Wouldn’t it be great not to have to worry about whether you will feel in control during an important day or event?

    How many of these signs are you showing? Even if it’s just 1, drinking lemon water for a week is proven to provide positive results. Everyone can benefit from better moods and higher energy levels, so give lemon water a try and keep me posted with your results.


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