When it comes to hair, most of us just wash it, style it, and hope that it looks good. How you wear your hair can definitely showcase your personality to the world. However, the state of your hair can also give you hints on your health. In this gallery we look at: Thinning hair Brittle hair Father of the Pride Our body can show signs of sickness and disease in some pretty crazy ways. Although most people are under the impression that hair is basically just dead protein, the conditions of the strands can indicate our health. Things like stress and medication can actually trigger how your hair turns out. Here are 8 things your hair is saying about your health. 1) Dry and thin hair - Dry hair is usually a result from excessive blow drying, hair dyeing, or swimming in pools. It could also be a sign of an underactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism. Other signs of hypothyroidism includes weight gain, fatigue, and slow heart rate. Visit a doctor if you think you are experiencing these signs. 2) Scaly scalp - This is most likely psoriasis. If you suffer from another autoimmune disorder, there is a higher chance that you will develop psoriasis in the future. Visit a dermatologist in order to treat your scaly skin. 3) Thinning and hair loss - Although it is normal to lose about 100 to 150 hairs per day, excessive hair loss could be a symptom of a variety of things. It could be a sign of diabetes or a side effect from stress. Hair loss is also a side effect from many medications. Visit a doctor to find out the cause of your shedding. 4) Hair loss that leads to baldness - Most hair loss cases are temporary but if you are legitimately balding then this is usually caused by a change of pattern of hormones. Hair loss is hereditary, so if you have a whole line of aunts and uncles losing their mane then chances are you will too. 5) Brittle hair - If you wake up to a ton of broken individual hairs on your pillow rather than strands, then this might mean your hair is breaking off. Bleaching, straightening, and blow drying your hair can cause some serious heat damage that causes your hair to become fragile. Avoid bleaching if possible and remember to use a heat protectant when applying heat to your hair. 6) Hair coming out in circular patches - This is known as alopecia areata and usually happens at the temples. This could also be a symptom of diabetes. Treatment for this involves cortisone shots. 7) Yellowish flakes and itchy patches - Dandruff might not seem like a big deal to many of you but apparently it’s more than just ‘dandruff.’ This may be a seasonal thing so your dandruff might just occur in the wintertime when your skin is the dryest. See a dermatologist to help you identify which treatment shampoos are best fit for you. 8) Gray hair - Gray hairs usually appear based on genetics, but some research suggests that stress may trigger a reaction that interferes with how hair follicles transmits melanin. The age you start graying will probably be around the same time your parents started getting grays. If stress is the trigger for your gray hairs you can find coping mechanisms to reduce your stress levels and it may help your grays revert back to their original vibrant color. Source