Today a baby was born in Al Kasr Al Ainy Hospital in Cairo with 4 arms and 4 legs Mostly they were twins who failed to detach I think they didnt do any anomaly scans before delivery , the baby has low chance to survive I will let you see the photo here [Broken External Image]:
Re: Baby with 4 arms and 4 legs in Egypt OMG! :shock: Why doctors didnt notice this defect before delivery?
Re: Baby with 4 arms and 4 legs in Egypt and the baby is going to survive? as that lately many babies are born with congenital malformations very marked.
Re: Baby with 4 arms and 4 legs in Egypt oh my god the delivery must been hard # how is the mother did she make it ?nd what's the pronostic for this baby
this is sumthings that shud av been piked on scans earlier....i wonder wat the doctors were doin? or were the parents so non compliant?