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Anesthesia Crash Course

Discussion in 'Anesthesia' started by neo_star, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. neo_star

    neo_star Moderator

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Anesthesia Crash Course

    by Charles Horton

    acr 2.jpg

    Product Description

    Anesthesia Crash Course by Charles Horton
    Oxford University Press, USA | 2008 | ISBN: 0195371879 | 192 pages

    Anesthesia Crash Course is uniquely positioned to address the needs of new trainees in anesthesia. This book is written in a conversational tone, avoiding unnecessary jargon and distilling the key concepts of anesthesia into easy-to-remember tidbits ”“ an approach in increasing demand by medical students and junior physicians.
    The audience for this book is chiefly new anesthesia residents, interns, medical students who rotate through anesthesia services, and nurse anesthetists. By demystifying the world of anesthesia, it provides a welcome resource to medical students and RNs who are considering additional training in this popular but poorly understood specialty. Surgical residents who feel they’re not up to speed with what’s happening on the other side of the “ether screen” would certainly also benefit from reading Anesthesia Crash Course.
    New anesthesia trainees face an extremely daunting learning curve. As they progress through training, they will read longer and more detailed treatises on every aspect of modern anesthesia. It is not realistic to imagine that someone might finish such a book in the first week of his or her training! Anesthesia Crash Course wil serve as a bridge between a trainee’s pre-anesthesia experience and more formal training. It can be read in the last month of internship, or in evenings while completing the first few weeks of anesthesia training. It can also serve as a medical student’s accompaniment for a two-week anesthesia elective.


    1 The Anatomy of an Anesthesia Machine:In Words Normal People Can Understand, 1

    2 The How and Why of a Good Machine Check, 17

    3 Better Living through Chemistry: Anesthetic Pharmacology, 27 ( Best Chapter )

    4 What Are They Gonna Do To You?! Preoperative Evaluation and Consent, 47

    5 The ABCs Start with “Airway”: How to Intubate and Maintain Anesthesia, 59

    6 Waking Up and Hitting the Road: Extubation,Post-Op, and Giving Report, 73

    7 Don’t Launch Your Lunch: Anti-Nausea Therapy, 81

    8 Big No-No’s, 87

    9 Sharp Objects, Part I: IVs, Arterial Lines,and Central Lines, 95

    10 Sharp Objects, Part II: Epidurals and Spinals, 115

    11 Less Filling, Tastes Great: A Few Anesthesia Controversies, 127

    12 What If?—A Brief Guide to Various Situations, 139

    13 Anesthesia: From the Past to the Future, 155

    14 You Call It a What? A Brief Glossary of Anesthesia Terms, 161

    Index, 173

    PDF with Cover, Chapter bookmarks and Index // 11.3 mb

    Mediafire link


    This book is full of Clinical Pearls ( every line ! ). If U hate anesthesia, but hate to hate anesthesia...then u r going 2 luv this book

    Some excerpts from the book

    1) No specific ECG lead is mandated by the ASA guidelines, but we tend to use leads II and V5. Why those two?
    The axis of lead II goes across the atria, giving the highest voltage for the P wave and helping us to detect any rhythm abnormalities. Lead V5 is well placed to catch lateral or anterior wall ischemia; since lead II can pick up inferior wall ischemia, leads II and V5 together can provide at least some monitoring for most of the heart.

    2) MAC is useful for other reasons, too. First, once you know it, you can fi gure out how much anesthetic it takes to keep just about anyone from moving—that’s 1.3 MAC, or 1.3 times the ED50. On a bell curve, that’s the ED95, or the effective dose for 95% of the population.
    Second, you can combine anesthetics, because MAC is additive.Half a MAC each of two separate anesthetics equals one MAC. This, as we’ll see in a little while, can be quite handy.

    3) Another, more direct, measure of anesthesia is the bispectral index. The BIS, as we call it, is a processed mini-electroencephalogram ( EEG) that uses four forehead electrodes on a single adhesive strip; readings range from 0 to 100, with 100 being “wide awake” and zero being electrical silence. Sixty or less is considered surgical anesthesia. Suppose we’re around 1 MAC and our patient is hypotensive; have we given too much anesthesia for that particular patient or is he simply “dry” (dehydrated) from being asked not to eat or drink anything before surgery? The BIS gives us the answer. If the patient has a BIS reading well below 60 and is hypotensive, the anesthetic level can be decreased safely. If the BIS is elevated and the patient is hypotensive, as with trauma patients, the treatment is to administer fluids or vasopressors.


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