Good evening everyone! I'm an Italian medical student (excuse me in advance for my bad English) and I'm going through an university period that is consuming me ... I have never had problems with my faculty and my university exams but, from the beginning of this academic year, I'm finding a lots of problems in passing my exams... I'm felling blocked and exhausted... I study a lot, I write mind maps, I repeat aloud but I'm stuck and I can't recover ... I'm spending my days studying and crying, wondering what is happening to me... One day I'm felling ready to take another exam and then I am rejected for 1 or 2 points... all this failures are making me run out, I am always sad, tired and I am very afraid of not being able to graduate when I want to (in the next year). Does anyone ever had a similar period? How did you get out? Thank's a lot for your help!