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Are Patients The Best Judge Of Physician Quality?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Hala, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    In Friday’s Wall Street Journal, private practice endocrinologist Mark Sklar offers a concise summary of how many doctors feel about the changes impacting their profession. I’ve actually encouraged Vinod Khosla to consider offering a redline response, as Sklar captures so crisply what might be called the view of establishment medicine.

    Sklar’s arguments distill to this: efforts to improve medicine have generally only made it worse, introducing a range of largely irrelevant metrics, pointless tasks, gratuitous electronic documentation, and layers of bureaucracy and supervision. These intrusions reflect clumsy and destructive efforts by outsiders to mechanize and micromanage a deeply personal profession. Ultimately, argues Sklar, “The patient should be the arbiter of the physician’s quality of care.”

    Essentially, Sklar is saying: a doctor should be able to make decisions without administrators looking over her shoulders, and patients should evaluate whether the doctor is doing a good job.

    The alternative view, of course, is that this is exactly what’s wrong with traditional medicine: doctors don’t know what they don’t know, they often provide manifestly suboptimal care, and can get away with it so long as they sweet-talk the patient – the “gome doc” phenomenon I discussed here.

    As the always-articulate Charles Ornstein put it on Twitter TWTR +0.11%, “Are patients equipped to assess clinical quality in comparison to peers? Really?”

    I’ve written about this topic quite a bit , and appreciate the complexity involved.

    On the one hand, I agree with a lot of what both the health policy experts and data scientists have to say: I suspect that many physicians could be offering much better patient care, and improved data capture and the application of data to clinical decision making could make medicine progressively better. It’s also true that perhaps the only thing more unreasonably effective than data are stories, and patients will often pay greater heed to a recommendation from a friend than an objective quality score, even if the latter is far more robust.

    But I also believe that you count only what you can measure, and some of the most important aspects of medicine aren’t captured in Epic, or reflected in ICD-9 (or -10) coding; this is an important and meaningful aspect of medicine (see here, here), and is especially important to patients coping with chronic disease or contemplating serious diagnoses. It’s also a nuance I think many data-oriented technologists tend to undervalue.

    I suspect a large part of the answer will come fromdesign – essentially, using insights from design to develop approaches to assess, monitor, and augment care in ways that enhance (can you even imagine?) rather than belaborworkflow.

    Another part of the answer will come from increasingly savvy, empowered, and data-laden patients who will value not only a reassuring laying on of the hands, but also the knowledge that the physician has demonstrated expertise treating patients like her. (Why should I know more about my mechanic than my doctor?)

    Moreover, as patients find themselves owning an increasing share of the cost of care (through high-deductibles, co-insurance, etc.), they will also pay increased attention to cost and value, at least to the extent alternatives are available to them (one reasons physicians have pushed back so intensivelyagainst retail clinics, for example).

    Administrators and health policy experts would also do well to recognize that all guidelines aren’t created equal; while some are supported by a deep evidence base, many represent a fragile, often political consensus driven by limited, weak, or inconsistent data sets. Pathway-based recommendation might be embraced more enthusiastically if they expressed what seems like appropriate humility, and were recommended only for the relatively limited subset of situations where the data are essentially unequivocal.

    Finally, I resonate with Jonathan Bush’s argument that physicians should embrace technology (like EMRs) because they want to – because the competitive marketplace demands it – not because they are required to. I suspect efforts focused on fostering such a marketplace would be more productive than attempts to craft or impose a solution, and in a sense, attempt to anticipate what a robust market might organically produce.



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