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Are You Ready For Residency Training?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by dr.omarislam, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

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    Are you ready for residency training?

    Entering residency training is like getting in a pool. We do not know exactly when we should jump in but we know sooner or later we have to. Residency is known for its long hours and intense work. Sacrifices would have to be made such as missing out on family events and gatherings with friends.

    So, how do you know when are you ready to take the plunge into residency? How do you measure readiness? There is no tool that can tell us whether or not we are ready to enter residency. Though we know that if we want to become a specialist, we need to start with this training sooner or later. We need to consider three main aspects of ourselves namely psychological, mental and physical readiness.

    Mental readiness

    We are fully pledged mean green fighting machines wide eyed and thirsting for more knowledge. We are licensed physicians so we have already tested the waters and waded about it in a bit. Though, we have not swum across and back. Mental preparation by familiarising yourself more with your soon to be specialty is important not only for you to look good in front of peers but to be able to do the job right.

    Physical readiness

    So you have never swam that far before. You have a body that lacks the exercise and you know that exhaustion will drag you down. You should start exercising to keep yourself physically fit. Depending on your specialty, you will be on your feet for three to five years. Not only will exercising keep you in shape but the release of serotonin during exercise can help fight off stressors.

    Psychological readiness

    Ask for help. Ask for guidance. Resident physicians give the best advice as they are currently swimming in training. They know the present ins and outs of training and they can give you the rights tips to set you on your way. They will give you an insider’s look on what kind of stressors you will face. This will psychologically prepare you of what you will be facing and therefore decrease the risk for burnout.

    Start getting organised

    Residency training will take a chunk out of your life or would basically be your whole life. It is better to put everything into order before getting started as you may not have enough time once you get started. Start with getting your life and personal belongings organised. Purchase professional attire that is appropriate and at the same time comfortable. Once all the bits and pieces are in order, go and take a vacation with your loved ones because it will be a while before you will have enough time to have another decent one.

    We are indecisive beings. We are unsure whether we should or should not and whether we must or must not. The main question at hand is if you want to specialise. If you do, do not hesitate. Take a deep breath and jump right in.


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