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Average Human Weight By Country and American States

Discussion in 'Physical and Sports Medicine' started by dr.omarislam, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    Average Weight by Country and US States

    More than one third of Americans in the United States are considered obese. This impacts all ethnic groups in the follow statistics as according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

    United States Obesity by Ethnicity
    1. Non-Hispanic Blacks: 49.5%
    2. Mexican Americans: 40.4%
    3. All Hispanics: 39.1%
    4. Non Hispanic Whites: 34.3%

    Contributing Factors
    5. Non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men with higher incomes are more likely to be obese than those with low income.
    6. High income women are less likely to be obese than low income women.
    7. No significant relationship exists between education and obesity.

    Obesity Rates by State
    1. Alabama 33.0
    2. Alaska 25.7
    3. Arizona 26.0
    4. Arkansas 34.5
    5. California 25.0
    6. Colorado 20.5
    7. Connecticut 25.6
    8. Delaware 26.9
    9. D.C. 21.9
    10. Florida 25.2
    11. Georgia 29.1
    12. Hawaii 23.6
    13. Idaho 26.8
    14. Illinois 28.1
    15. Indiana 31.4
    16. Iowa 30.4
    17. Kansas 29.9
    18. Kentucky 31.3
    19. Louisiana 34.7
    20. Maine 28.4
    21. Maryland 27.6
    22. Mass. 22.9
    23. Michigan 31.1
    24. Minnesota 25.7
    25. Mississippi 34.6
    26. Missouri 29.6
    27. Montana 24.3
    28. Nebraska 28.6
    29. Nevada 26.2
    30. New Hampsh. 27.3
    31. New Jersey 24.6
    32. New Mexico 27.1
    33. New York 23.6
    34. N. Carolina 29.6
    35. N. Dakota 29.7
    36. Ohio 30.1
    37. Oklahoma 32.2
    38. Oregon 27.3
    39. Penns. 29.1
    40. Rhode Isl. 25.7
    41. S. Carolina 31.6
    42. S. Dakota 28.1
    43. Tennessee 31.1
    44. Texas 29.2
    45. Utah 24.3
    46. Vermont 23.7
    47. Virginia 27.4
    48. Washington 26.8
    49. W. Virginia 33.8
    50. Wisconsin 29.7
    51. Wyoming 24.6

    Abuse of Diets
    A BBC Documentary revealing the addictive natures and risks associated with abuse in dieting.

    Top 10 Countries
    According to the OECD and Nation Master, the following top 10 countries are listed as having the highest obesity rates worldwide.

    1. United States: 30.6%
    2. Mexico: 24.2%
    3. United Kingdom: 23%
    4. Slovakia: 22.4%
    5. Greece: 21.9%
    6. Australia: 21.7%
    7. New Zealand: 20.9%
    8. Hungary: 18.8%
    9. Luxembourg: 18.4%
    10. Czech Republic: 14.8%

    Global Weight by Country
    The following infographic lists out the weight of each country in the world and where their average BMI compares to others.



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