From Lifespan and cardiology looking the obituaries in the BMJ (UK) from January 1997 to December 2004 Not much different compared to other professionals Especially the later years 2002-2005 from in the USA: But a 2000 paper was more optimistic Mortality rates and causes among U.S. physicians. Among both U.S. white and black men, physicians were, on average, older when they died, (73.0 years for white and 68.7 for black) than were lawyers (72.3 and 62.0), all examined professionals (70.9 and 65.3), and all men (70.3 and 63.6). The top ten causes of death for white male physicians were essentially the same as those of the general population, although they were more likely to die from cerebrovascular disease, accidents, and suicide, and less likely to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia/influenza, or liver disease than were other professional white men. Source