‹ PREV ARTICLE THIS ISSUE NEXT ARTICLE › CLINICAL GUIDELINES |17 MARCH 2015 Cardiac Screening With Electrocardiography, Stress Echocardiography, or Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Advice for High-Value Care From the American College of Physicians FREE Roger Chou, MD; for the High Value Care Task Force of the American College of Physicians * Article, Author, and Disclosure Information FULL ARTICLE Abstract Methods What Are the Evidence-Based Recommendations for the Use of Cardiac Testing in Asymptomatic Adults? What Are the Potential Harms of Screening? Does Practice Follow the Evidence? What Forces Promote the Overuse of Cardiac Testing in Asymptomatic Adults? How Can Physicians Reduce Overuse of Cardiac Testing? Conclusion ACP High-Value Care Advice References Figures Tables Summary for Patients CME / MOC Comments MORE References