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Characteristics of a Surgeon

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Practicing medicine in:

    Being a surgeon can be an extremely rewarding career. When you’re able to dramatically improve a patient's health, or to pull her back from the brink of death, you get to see the positive results of your work straightaway. People who become surgeons usually have traits that make them adept at dealing both with people in the most stressful of situations, with complicated surgical procedures.



    Surgeons who are able to be pleasant to those around them demonstrate that they have respect for others. They need to be open enough to communicate effectively with patients. A surgeon leads the surgical team, so he must also be able to communicate well with his fellow health-care professionals. Surgeons need patience to work with all kinds of patients, including children and people who are fearful of surgery.


    A surgeon needs to be good with his hands. He works with sharp tools and has to be precise in using them. If you’re not naturally dexterous, you may still be able to make it as a surgeon. The American College of Surgeons, or AMC, states that doctors can improve their dexterity through surgical training, pointing out that some eminent surgeons didn’t begin their education or, in some cases, their residencies, being particularly skillful with their hands.

    Sound Judgment

    A surgeon must be comfortable making decisions about a patient's care and treatment. Indeed, the AMC calls good judgment the most important quality of a good surgeon. The way to develop sound judgment is to think carefully about the results of your decisions. Paying attention to detail when monitoring and recording the patient’s medical history will also help you to make good judgments about the best treatment and medication.


    In addition to being a good communicator and technician, you must also be able to show empathy, compassion and understanding if you want to be a surgeon. You’ll be dealing with sick and injured patients, some of whom will have long-term medical problems. They all deserve to be treated by someone who can identify with them and who desires to help alleviate their condition.


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