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Clinical Trial In France Leaves Six Participants In 'Critical Condition'

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

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    A drug trial in France has gone wrong, according to reports, as six people are reported to be in “critical condition,” with at least one in a coma. As yet, there are few details as to what the drug trial was investigating, or which European laboratory was responsible, the health minister for France has said. French media have been reporting, however, that the drug involved was a “cannabis-based painkiller.”

    “This test was carried out at a private establishment specialized in carrying out clinical trials,” is all the ministry has said so far, Reuters reports, adding that the six participants, who were believed to be taking oral medication, were in apparent good health until very recently. All drugs trials taking place at a drug clinic in Rennes, Brittany have, however, been halted for the time being.

    Details at the moment are very thin on the ground, and until more information is released, it is unknown exactly what situation the participants are in, the phase of the trial, or what drug they were trialing. We'll keep you updated as more is known about the situation.



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