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Crying Between 7 To 10 PM Can Help You Lose Weight, Claims Study

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    01/7Crying between 7 to 10 PM can help you lose weight


    According to a new study published in AsiaOne, people can actually lose fat by shedding tears and venting out their bottled-up emotions. Yes, this is possible and there is science behind it.

    02/7The science behind it


    When we cry, cortisol hormones are released in our body. These increased level of cortisol hormones in our body leads to fat loss.

    Also, the stress-induced tears help in removing toxic substances from our body, which is good for weight loss. The findings of this study are also backed by William Frey who is a well-known biochemist.

    03/7What you can do


    If you are someone who doesn’t cry easily, it might be difficult for you to reap the benefits of shedding tears. According to the study, you will burn fat by crying only if your tears are genuine.

    04/7Types of tears


    There are three types of tears – basal, reflex and psychic tears. Basal tears are those that keep our peepers moist, reflex tears are the ones that we involuntarily shed due to smoke or pollution and psychic tears are linked with true feelings and human emotions.

    This means only psychic tears can give you weight loss benefit.

    05/7Calories burned during crying


    When at rest, our cardiac muscles burn around 8 ½ calories in an hour. When we are emotionally stressed, our heart rate elevates. The elevated heart rate can increase the number of calories burned by the cardiac muscles.

    The act of crying burns a small number of calories.

    Also, it is being said that 7 to 10 pm is the best time to release your negative emotions (by crying) because cortisone releasing effect is at its peak during this time frame.



    Next time you feel like crying, do not stop yourself. As this might not just help you vent out your feelings but might also help you stay fit.



    Too many instances of crying may be a signal of depression. Another common symptom is reduced appetite. Someone who is clinically depressed may be crying and losing weight, which could be because of loss of appetite. If you are experiencing the same, you must consult a physician.


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