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Discover the Best Workout for Your Body Type

Discussion in 'Physical and Sports Medicine' started by dr.omarislam, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    Why some of us exercise hard and try millions of diets, but they don’t get the expected results? It is really disappointing when you try everything, but nothing helps you lose the extra weight and build your body.

    Our team Go Fit Stay Fit is going to help you with this problem. Our bodies are classifying in several types. Each type is characterized, and you need a proper diet and workout to get the best of it.

    Here you have our recommendations:

    1. Delicate type
    Rectangular figure


    Power training. Defines your muscles and waist; gets rid of belly fat.


    Substantial breakfast, and modest dinner; more carbs and fewer proteins.

    Little to no milk, sweets, pastry and raw food.

    2. Curvaceous type
    Pear-shaped figure


    Active sports including stamina workouts.

    Time to exercise: early morning or late afternoon


    Fruits, non-fatty proteins, any vegetables.

    Exclude cream, butter, sauces, chocolate, starchy food, pasta, and vinegar.

    3. Artistic type
    Hourglass figure


    Group, street and dancing sports

    Time to exercise: late afternoon


    Green vegetables, low-fat animal proteins, and dairy.

    Exclude fruit, bread, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.

    4. Lean type
    Apple- shaped figure


    Jigging, aerobic, mountain skiing,

    Swimming is perfect as it shapes your body without pumping muscles.


    Vegetarian diet

    Little to no cream, butter, sauces or chocolate

    Losing weight tips for all body types: (1)
    1. Eat in small portions

    It is not always just what you eat. The quantity is extremely important. When you are out with your friends for dinner, you can order some small portion of the menu. Always try to satisfy your hunger with small portions.

    2. Eat alone
    We all want our family and friends by our side when we make diet changes. Unfortunately, it was proven that people who eat in groups eat more. So if you want to lose your weight, you should avoid eating with other people.

    3. Limit your salt intake
    Consuming salt causes water retention in the body and bloating. If you want to lose your extra weight, you must limit your salt intake. Salt also contribute to numerous health conditions such as hypertension, gastritis and kidney disorders. So don’t think twice say goodbye to the salt. (2)

    4. Drink plenty of water
    We all know that is recommended to drink minimum 8 glasses of water a day. But if you want to lose weight and you exercise regularly you must drink more water. Water will boost your metabolism, improve your digestion and hydrate your body. You will lose your pounds faster than you can imagine.

    5. Get enough sleep
    Our body needs minimum 9 hours of sleep a day to function properly. When we get the sleep we need, we feel relax and full with energy. Our mood is improved and we take more care about what we eat.


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