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Discussion: What Are Some Interesting/Unsolved Cases You've Worked On Recently?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Riham, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Riham

    Riham Bronze Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Young adult male, recently immigrated from South east Asia. 8 month history of progressive shortness of breath, non productive cough. I saw him in ICU having spent about a week on the wards with a gradually increasing fio2 requirement, then complete failure. Cxr showed significant bilateral white out. Intubated, ventilated, diagnostic bronchoscopy. Came back for cmv + oral flora. No obvious cause for immunodeficiency. Placed on VV ECMO for continuing failure. Then VVV ecmo due to poor flow. Continuing to deteriorate, we were getting post-oxygenator po2 in the 300s and pao2 around 50.

    This had been about 3 weeks in the ICU, so 3 different intensiveness. Then a resident is pulling together a full history to give report with and finds a late addition to the c&s for the bronch samples positive for blastomycosis that had been missed for 2 weeks. Got him on the right anti-fungal, but his ards and sepsis were so profound at that point that he died a couple days later.

    Kindly share below in a comment your interesting/unsolved cases that you've worked on recently.


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