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Doctor Vs. Engineer

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Finding a career that is both financially rewarding and personally satisfying can be a challenge. Many such careers require you to make a significant investment in your college education, in terms of both time and money. It is often helpful to investigate potential careers thoroughly and examine all the various aspects, such as working conditions, potential salary, job outlook and educational requirements. This is especially important if you are considering two careers that are seemingly diverse, such as comparing doctors and engineers.

    Working Life of a Doctor

    Doctors, or physicians, examine patients to diagnose their conditions. Physicians ask patients about their prior medical histories, and they may inquire about illnesses or conditions that patients' family members might have had. They ask patients to describe symptoms, including the duration and intensity. If necessary, physicians write orders for the patient to have lab tests conducted. They may write prescriptions or recommend changes in lifestyle. Although physicians who are in private practice may primarily work normal business hours, they may also be on call for emergencies on holidays, at night or on weekends. Doctors who work at hospitals may have to work schedules outside of traditional hours. Most physicians' offices employ a staff of nurses, medical assistants, billing specialists or receptionists.

    Working Life of an Engineer

    Engineers evaluate problems, processes or products to determine logical solutions. The task may require the development of an entirely new method or product, or the modification of existing processes and materials. Engineers conduct research and tests, such as determining how well a new type of concrete can withstand earthquakes. They may build prototypes or conduct all modeling in a computer. Most engineers work traditional business hours and days, but overtime is sometimes required to meet deadlines. Engineers might work alone, or they might supervise engineering techs, lab assistants, clerical personnel or even other engineers.

    How Physicians and Engineers Differ

    Physicians must complete a more extensive education than engineers. Entry-level doctors must earn a bachelor's degree and then a medical degree, and it can take as long as eight years to earn both. They must then complete a residency, which can last from three to eight years. Thus, doctors spend at least 11 years obtaining the education they need to enter the occupation. By contrast, a bachelor's degree is normally sufficient for an engineering career. Salaries reflect the greater difficulty in becoming a doctor. Physicians in 2012 averaged $184,820 annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Certain specialists averaged even higher incomes. For example, surgeons averaged $230,540 a year, while obstetricians and gynecologists averaged $216,760. Salaries for engineers depended largely on the type of engineering specialty. Sample average salaries for 2012 were $104,810 for aerospace engineers, $91,200 for biomedical engineers and $102,270 for chemical engineers.

    How Physicians and Engineers are Similar

    Both physicians and engineers can choose specialties. Physicians typically receive their specialty training during residencies. However, engineers normally decide before their third year of college, as they must take the appropriate engineering courses for their desired specialty. All physicians and many engineers must become licensed in the state in which they practice. Both engineers and physicians provide important services.



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